Racist Politician

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As that article points out the impetus for removing the term BAME seems to have come from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.

That report has, to put it mildly, not met with approbation from minority communities. Even some members of the Commission dismissed it as a token move.

I hope you're not saying the commision lacked cred ...
I don't know any people who refer to themselves as BAME. They say black or Asian or Indian or African (sometimes adding 'heritage'). BAME was an ill thought out catch all term to replace 'non-white'. So in effect we went from a term that defined people by reference to what they were not, to a clunky term that lumped all the the people that 'were not' in together as though they were all the same. Bit of an improvement but not much.

My experience is that people are happier with more specific terms than wider descriptors because their experiences vary greatly.


Reading around the chip
I don't know any people who refer to themselves as BAME. They say black or Asian or Indian or African (sometimes adding 'heritage').

I do. But then I know other people who don't, or who are strongly critical of the label. Or who use it in one context, but would find it nonsensical or inappropriate in another. And other people who feel similarly about 'Asian'. Partly it's a question of context, but it's also about learning not to be threatened by indeterminacy - it's OK to be adjusting meanings, thinking about things by trying to articulate them, and taking seriously the perspective of others who are more directly affected by the words you choose. We don't need to arrive at or agree on a 'correct' term - we never did, because the categories themselves are relational, and a product of the discourse.

Craig the cyclist

Über Member
Tell Labour. They still have a BAME section. (2022 Rulebook).
Maybe Labour should read the guidance? Or maybe it is true that Labour don't care, because their Shadow Foreign Secretary said this about the term on his LBC show on the 21st of March last year (18 months ago).....

"The term BAME is "unhelpful and redundant" and should be scrapped, the Prime Minister's racial disparity commission is set to report. This was David Lammy's response.

The acronym - which stands for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic - overshadows the fact that people from different ethnic groups have varying life experiences and should not be grouped together in one umbrella term, the commission found.

"Thank God they've got there!" exclaimed David, "I've said for ages that the term is lazy, it's impersonal. I don't like being described as jargon.

Maybe Labour just doesn't really care enough about minorities to remove the term which one of their own senior team describes as unhelpful and redundant.


Maybe Labour just doesn't really care enough about minorities to remove the term which one of their own senior team describes as unhelpful and redundant.

Ah good - so getting language right is about respecting people, not at all about using it as a stick to beat up people whom you disagree with.
Thanks for the clarification.


Senior Member
Farage is a liar. He’s been lying to us for a decade. It’s part of free speech perhaps, but when the public is saturated with lies it becomes believed. Just like Hitler. Farage, too, must be stopped.


Farage is a liar. He’s been lying to us for a decade. It’s part of free speech perhaps, but when the public is saturated with lies it becomes believed. Just like Hitler. Farage, too, must be stopped.

Probably why he got an invite to Eton. He in an intrinsical part of the establishment, like a lot of far right liars.


Why am I not surprised no one has condemned the behaviour of a certain Ms Abbot this weekend


There's several pages about it over on the inspiring (or otherwise) politicians thread.

Why not try putting your immediate assumptions aside and go look >>>
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