Well he's also an idiot then. If that's all he did he also got a stupidly long sentence.
I'd have given them five years and a life ban from using the internet.
Well he's also an idiot then. If that's all he did he also got a stupidly long sentence.
Incitement is a serious offence.You can't possibly know that and we don't usually jail people on the basis of a connection of tenuous inspiration for the offences of others. These sentences do nothing to restore confidence in the judicial system, they simply bolster the view that it's a two tier system.
You can't possibly know that and we don't usually jail people on the basis of a connection of tenuous inspiration for the offences of others. These sentences do nothing to restore confidence in the judicial system, they simply bolster the view that it's a two tier system.
All the offences cover threatening words, behaviour or material, and are committed where the offender intended to stir up hatred. The race offence also covers abusive or insulting words and circumstances where hatred is likely to be stirred up.
It's a ridiculous sentence for a tweet that was up for 3 hours. There are sex offenders and people who caused deaths by dangerous driving who've got less, never mind the many offenders with thousands of child abuse images who do no jail time at all.
It's a ridiculous sentence for a tweet that was up for 3 hours. There are sex offenders and people who caused deaths by dangerous driving who've got less, never mind the many offenders with thousands of child abuse images who do no jail time at all.
I wonder how long this guy will get:
I wonder how long this guy will get:
It’s a very harsh punishment but that’s the point. It sends a message to anyone else.
Who will now think twice.
A less severe punishment would have done the same. I'm not against deterrent sentences but excessive ones undermine the public's confidence in the fairness of the system.
It's a ridiculous sentence for a tweet that was up for 3 hours. There are sex offenders and people who caused deaths by dangerous driving who've got less, never mind the many offenders with thousands of child abuse images who do no jail time at all.
Didn't you say 2 years was a fair sentence for throwing soup at some high-profile plastic?
You appear to have missed a step out in the sentencing guidelinesConnolly pleaded guilty to a charge of incitement with intent; therefore mens rea is established.
In terms of the offence of incitement, the sentencing guidelines give this a category 1 case (highest), with culpability at level 1 (highest). This was agreed by the defence. The minimum sentence is set at 3 years. A sentence of of 31 months means that she got the minimum sentence less 5 months for mitigating circumstances. She will potentially become eligible for release at 40% of her sentence, meaning that she may actually serve just 12.5 months.
You appear to have missed a step out in the sentencing guidelines
If she pleaded guilty at earliest opportunity she is entitled to a discount of at least 30% on sentence.
Thi suggests she would have got a sentence of 44 months before credit but after allowing for mitigation
The sentencing range for highest culpability and harm is 2-6 years ( before discount for G plea). Thus her sentence is most certainly not excessive if it is a highest culpability and harm case.
Those saying it's excessive should first read the sentencing guidelines which effectively bind the judge
I agree with what you say in general terms. However Connolly did not plead guilty at the earliest opportunity; therefore she was not entitled to a 30% discount.
I'll be honest with you, I haven't looked to see the breakdown of the 5 months in terms of discount and mitigation - if it's even available yet to see.
I had understood the minimum for Cat 1 and Cat 1 was 3 years, but I'm happy to be corrected. It's still likely that she'll be out on licence in about a year or so though.
She pleaded guilty, so would be entitled to a discount. The max is 30% and reduces on a sliding scale