The rise of the far right. Argentina, Netherlands and more.

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Ian H

Legendary Member


It's just each country, one by one, learning the lesson that right-wing populism only ends in chaos and national decline. We learnt it with Brexit. The Dutch and Argentinians are about to find out.

Right-wing populism offers simplistic answers to misdiagnosed problems. It doesn't offer solutions to anything, but thick people love because it indulges and validates their prejudices and bigotry.

Deleted member 121

These populist dudes are weird looking. Milei looks like a cross between Roy Orbison and Bernard Manning and Wilders a cross between Jimmy Page and Christopher Walken of the Max Zorin variety...

Definitely a fashion choice to appeal to a certain voter of a certain age i reckon...

Why can't they just grow a healthy 'tash?
These populist dudes are weird looking. Milei looks like a cross between Roy Orbison and Bernard Manning and Wilders a cross between Jimmy Page and Christopher Walken of the Max Zorin variety...

Definitely a fashion choice to appeal to a certain voter of a certain age i reckon...

Why can't they just grow a healthy 'tash?
It's all pre-planned to disappoint you!

Deleted member 49


The Crofted Crest

Active Member
It is FAR from certain that Wilders will form a government. The centrist parties in NL have said he must drop his right wing policies if he is to go into coalition with them. The left/centrist parties can form a government without him. It's just that he, as the biggest party, gets the first bite of the cherry.

Deleted member 49

Reform is polling at 10%, Adam.

And we don't have PR here, unlike The Netherlands, which is how the far-right got a look in.

But probably the main reason we don't have a far-right party gaining a foothold is that the Tories have occupied their space.
So instead of attacking the Tories from the right why don't Labour try telling us the positives of immigration.Take a look across the water to the recent riots in Dublin,a good read here I thought.Inequality and poverty feed the right,stop giving them the oxygen for it.

Take notes an burn them would be my suggestion, this guy is totally off.
It's a bit the same as saying Cameron lost the Brexit vote without understanding he already lost before calling it(an understanding which he was or perhaps is still lacking today.)

Dutch people are not against immigration, but when a small group off immigrants from safe countries are causing problems because the laws are rigged in such a way they goverment really can't do anything then that's the issue, similar if the goverment says they need to buy out farmers to give farmland ''back to nature'' and not even an week later they build a brand new asylum seeker centre one of those bought out farms, then poeple feel taken in the ar$e without any lube.. Or if you want a politer description they are being lied too. (i'm summarising two issues, far from all issues now, but the general poblem is people don't trust the current goverment anymore)

Additionally Wilders votes skyrockted in the polls when he publicly said he would give in to is more extreme points if he would be able to form a goverment.
A other noteable thing, the other big winners was the ''NSC'' and ''BBB''(alltough the last one much smaller thane originally tought/polled) So if you put that in perspective, what the results really call for is an broad ''new'' political movements to form a goverment. I put new between quotation marks because only the BBB are really new both Wilders and Omtzigt have been in politics for years.
On the other hand during his work in the opposition last year Omtzigt uncovered an mentalitiy off ''don't take notes, don't write down, deny everything if discovered under Rutte. He Himself was found to be forced to get a other job/position if his then party the CDA would be part of the last Rutte goverment. until the draft suggestions came out(in a rather silly way they where very readable on camera.

And we don't have PR here, unlike The Netherlands, which is how the far-right got a look in.
No here it's even worse, let's inmagine they are tired off Sunak and some far right something takes his place you have to trust on the Tories to do the ''right'' thing...?
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