Thanks for that, I didn’t know one way or the other. I don’t suppose it got the same front page prominence though, or did it?
That kind of suggests that they didn’t even try to get the alleged victim’s account of the events before rushing to print. Seems rather negligent to me.
I don't have all the editions to check, but at the time the story was a run of front pages, so the lawyer's rebuttal will have been part of that day's front page follow-up.
Given there were four other complaints of his online behaviour, one might think the lawyer's statement has an element of 'yeah, right' about it.
As regards the first victim, it's not clear if they spoke with him or not, but we don't know to what extent his mental capacity has been impacted by drugs.
I doubt The Sun would have gone solely on the word of the parents, so may well have documentary evidence of money changing hands, such as bank statements.