Twitter under Musk....

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Ian H

Legendary Member
Nope. Investopedia suggests that he is not leaving things to his kids.

He refuses to engage in or discuss succession planning:

Doing that would mean acknowledging that he's not immortal (do I remember something about cryogenic preservation for reanimation in the future?).


<wild fantastical speculation:>
Does anyone know what would happen to Musk's business empire if something deeply unfortunate befell him? (jumped in front of a stray bullet, ketamine overdose, vehicular spontatneous combustion ... sorry, I'll stop there, don't know what came over me .,..)

Do the succesors share his particular ... ethics?

His daughter Vivien certainly doesn't.
His assets and shares will pass to whoever he's left them to.

Tesla will carry on, with or without him, though likely to face much more competition in the ev market over the next 10 years imo. Apple hasn't lost momentum since Jobs died; there aren't many companies that rely on one person so heavily that they can't continue without them, especially ones the size of Tesla. It's more interesting to think about what will happen with the Space X stuff. He owns about 50% and if he leaves there might be less push towards the exploratory direction and more towards satellites etc. He doesn't seem much interested in building a business dynasty via his kids from what I've seen. He has enthusiasms to which he gives his time, energy, and money, moving on to the next one when his interest wains. His wealth is way beyond the point of having to build something to leave his offspring.


<wild fantastical speculation:>
Does anyone know what would happen to Musk's business empire if something deeply unfortunate befell him? (jumped in front of a stray bullet, ketamine overdose, vehicular spontatneous combustion ... sorry, I'll stop there, don't know what came over me .,..)

Do the succesors share his particular ... ethics?

A quick clarification: the usage I was thinking of is basically this one;
someone or something that follows and takes the job, place, or position that was held by another

I deliberately avoided specifying "heirs", as I suspected some/all of his businesses would pass to other investors/directors etc.
Of course he might hand authority to an heir, thus I deliberately posed an open question!


Tesla are doing so well, that it dumped nearly another 20% off it's share price in the past 24 hours alone...

Its quite good that all these lefty's not buying a Teslas.



Fake outrage 😁

Well Shithead. Let me introduce you to a world where actual human beings work for the common good of humanity because they experience the emotions of compassion and empathy. People that don't have these qualities are clinically known to psychiatrists as ''psychopaths''.

The people you come here to boast that you align with are psychopaths. You often talk about common sense, you have none you have no common connection with humanity. The crime of murder exists under common law. How many people have you murdered psycho?

You think our emotions of compassion and empathy are our weakness, they are our strength. The people are now rising against the psychopaths. Ultimately we will prevail.

The French prevailed against their monarchy. We British briefly prevailed against our monarchy and became a republic. Our weakness was to let them back in.

The French have learnt from their history. The Germans and Spanish largely seem to have learnt from their own. The British and Italians are failing to learn from their own, mostly I suspect because they don't know or understand their own history. As Alan Bennett wrote in The History Boys - ''history is just one f'cking thing after another''.

The Allied forces of the USA, Russia, the UK with its empire rose up against fascism in the last century. Now European leaders are preparing together to do what ever it takes to fight fascist dictators again. We'll do it this time with or without the USA.

You've demonstrated here that you are a true moron, an empathy-free zone, a compassion-free zone, a humanity-free zone. You believe that human rights that belong all of us only belong to you and your fellow fascists and psychopaths, and that is what you believe is common sense, and you say you enjoy coming here to spread your hatred, and to paraphrase your attitude ''because it's fun''.

The people are rising against fascism across the world. They will stop the Bond villain cartoon figure that is Musk. They will prevail against Putin and Trump.

You fly the flag of a country while its people are resisting a President who is installing himself like Putin has, a dictator - one who calls the elected leader of a country fighting for its freedom ''a dictator''. We fly the flag of Ukraine because we represent humanity. You are no patriot of the UK or member of humanity. You are a Poundland fascist - a psychopath. Humanity will prevail over fascists for the common good.

There is no ''fake outrage'' from ''the woke blob''. Woke means being alert to danger. Millions lost their lives in two world wars fighting fascism, but you want to see its return because you are shaking in your boots and gammon red with fear of anyone who isn't like you and doesn't fit within your narrow close-minded view. You are a psychopath and a coward wanting to be protected by those you see as 'strong men'. You are pathetic.
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Senior Member
Well Shithead. Let me introduce you to a world where actual human beings work for the common good of humanity because they experience the emotions of compassion and empathy. People that don't have these qualities are clinically known to psychiatrists as ''psychopaths''.

The people you come here to boast that you align with are psychopaths. You often talk about common sense, you have none you have no common connection with humanity. The crime of murder exists under common law. How many people have you murdered psycho?

You think our emotions of compassion and empathy are our weakness, they are our strength. The people are now rising against the psychopaths. Ultimately we will prevail.

The French prevailed against their monarchy. We British briefly prevailed against our monarchy and became a republic. Our weakness was to let them back in.

The French have learnt from their history. The Germans and Spanish largely seem to have learnt from their own. The British and Italians are failing to learn from their own, mostly I suspect because they don't know or understand their own history. As Alan Bennett wrote in The History Boys - ''history is just one f'cking thing after another''.

The Allied forces of the USA, Russia, the UK with its empire rose up against fascism in the last century. Now European leaders are preparing together to do what ever it takes to fight fascist dictators again. We'll do it this time with or without the USA.

You've demonstrated here that you are a true moron, an empathy-free zone, a compassion-free zone, a humanity-free zone. You believe that human rights that belong all of us only belong to you and your fellow fascists and psychopaths, and that is what you believe is common sense, and you say you enjoy coming here to spread your hatred, and to paraphrase your attitude ''because it's fun''.

The people are rising against fascism across the world. They will stop the Bond villain cartoon figure that is Musk. They will prevail against Putin and Trump.

You fly the flag of a country while its people are resisting a President who is installing himself like Putin has, a dictator - one who calls the elected leader of a country fighting for its freedom ''a dictator''. We fly the flag of Ukraine because we represent humanity. You are no patriot of the UK or member of humanity. You are a Poundland fascist - a psychopath. Humanity will prevail over fascists for the common good.

There is no ''fake outrage'' from ''the woke blob''. Woke means being alert to danger. Millions lost their lives in two world wars fighting fascism, but you want to see its return because you are shaking in your boots and gammon red with fear of anyone who isn't like you and doesn't fit within your narrow close-minded view. You are a psychopath and a coward wanting to be protected by those you see as 'strong men'. You are pathetic.

Wow, have you ever thought of being a non fiction writer, there's an untapped talent 👍
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