Unsure why you bothered writing paragraphs after paragraphs trying to prove me wrong, when they don't align with your own conclusion above which agrees with mine.
I guess it is a kind of therapy? You probably also find it comforting for not coping alone - as evidenced by Rusty finding it appropriate to say less than nothing, the snail attributing Mongol invasions to the Chinese, and brian celebrating the political prowess of a clown who chose the destruction of his country and people over neutrality:
Aeschylus wrote 'the first casualty of war is truth' in 500 BC, and Asch paradigm, siege mentality etc. probably did the rest. Funny thing is all it takes is to have a modicum of intelligence, really trying to stand in each side's shoes, and see which angle makes better sense. Rewards? You will find the future more predictable, and the present less frustrating.
I doubt few will be interested, but
this Swiss bloke made a heroic attempt to collect proven references from both sides to assess the conflict.
Due to extensive financialization, lower home ownership, etc. in the West, the real distance is likely even more stark - it is far from crazy to believe
the actual size of China's economy is already that of US' and EU's COMBINED.
A Trumpian epiphany* seemingly unappreciated by the current crop of donkeys leading Europe, is without prosperity there is no security, far more so than the other way round as peddled by the Neocon hymn sheet. Modern China is proof of that, so was the USSR.
* well globe-trotting billionaire businessmen can have different perspectives to career political ideologues, I suppose... But alas it is one thing to know the problem and another to solve it.