Wes Streeting

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Just a other leftie, expect 100+ pages about how bad the tories are and how great he is.. not that he has achieved something, but he is not tory..

It really wouldn't take much effort to do a simple forum search and find out exactly what the opinions of the leftier contributors to the forum are as regards Wes Streeting.

Go on, try it see how many posts you can find which laud him.


It really wouldn't take much effort to do a simple forum search and find out exactly what the opinions of the leftier contributors to the forum are as regards Wes Streeting.

Go on, try it see how many posts you can find which laud him.

May I recommend the Wes Streeting thread as a starting point?


Couldn't possibly have the government working with a cutting-edge tech provider, could we.

The trouble is, politicians are easily seduced and cheaply bought and there are so many revolving doors that we end up with our data being exfiltrated away from any sort of meaningful control or oversight. Once it’s gone it’s gone and there’s no viable way to regain control from global companies that are more powerful than most countries.
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Rusty Nails

Country Member
It really wouldn't take much effort to do a simple forum search and find out exactly what the opinions of the leftier contributors to the forum are as regards Wes Streeting.

Go on, try it see how many posts you can find which laud him.

Tbf it is a given that any senior Labour politician to the right of Corbyn is unlikely to be lauded by many on this forum.

Disclaimer: this forum is probably not statistically representative of the views of the UK electorate who will actually decide whether Mr Streeting is going to be a member of a future government.


The trouble is, politicians are easily seduced and cheaply bought and there are so many revolving doors that we end up with our data being exfiltrated away from any sort of meaningful control or oversight. Once it’s gone it’s gone and there’s no viable way to regain control from global companies that are more powerful than most countries.

I hate to tell you this, but you are typing this into a mobile phone.
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