Transwomen are men. There are lots of men in political power in the world.
There are quite a few trans identifying male politicians, including Jamie Wallis in the UK. There are US Congress reps, Health Secretary, Belgium's deputy ptime minister, Taiwan's IT minister. There are plenty of trans identifying men who are successful in business.
They seem to do exceptionally well in women's sports. The fact that they are allowed in women's sports, prisons, refuges, all at the expense of women shows you that the patriarchy works pretty well for transwomen.
All of them, because they are men. The fact that a patriarchal system doesn't necessarily like trans identifying men doesn't mean they don't benefit from it's existence, and benefit from the fact that it likes women even less. Gay men also benefit from being part of the patriarchy.
I see you're only counting ones with a GRC. I guess 'You are who you say you are' is no more.
It took women centuries to be even recognised as human beings. It's taken men 5 minutes to be recognise as women. That's patriarchy.
Answers like these are exactly where I call you an idiot.
Prisoners have no political power, they can't even vote.
Jamie Wallis is no longer an MP. Wallis didn't get elected while presenting as female. I never saw them presenting as female once, it certainly never happened in the workplace. Wallis claimed to be a trans woman after returning home from a night out, having been drinking and involved in a car accident, and was convicted. Next election - out. We've never knowingly elected a trans person to parliament. One or two have been local councillors. One was an MEP but when Farage found out he, of course, made false allegations against her to get her out, one of his own MEPs. That's the patriarchy in action.
The trans people with GRCs are the topic of the thread from the OP.
All I see from you is ongoing sneering, and nastiness.
It did not take centuries for women to be recognised as human beings. It took too long before we were recognised with human rights, but then it took too long for anyone 'lower' than the aristocracy to have human rights.
Now that we have them, you've been recruited as part of the idiocracy to have them removed - Trump, Musk, Bannon, Farage and Putin for that matter - all of them keen to destroy democracy and human rights. You'll vote for anyone who says 'down with trans women'.
In the news, just to prove the point I've been pressing for a few years, Musk is talking about getting British citizenship, and giving Farage $100 million. They are convinced they can buy the election here to make Farage Prime Minister.
And they'll likely succeed because of morons voting for culture wars.