I was under the impression it was illegal across England. Scotland being only country it was possible.
It's been understood as being permitted in (most) areas of DNP for many years .
Under certain guidelines such as not visible from a dwelling and being several hundred yards from a road, leave no trace and so on.
The latest ruling has said that overnight stays no longer come under 'recreation' .
Hopefully that will be get overturned at appeal, as camping out very much is part of recreation for many of us.
As it stands it in threatens the viability of events such as Ten Tors and DoE expeditions, alongside just everyday people enjoying an innocent overnight trip .
Elsewhere in England you're not supposed to wildcamp but it's a civil matter not criminal (yet)
But of course plenty of us still do it - just more discreetly than we'd hitherto had to do it on Dartmoor.