Active Member
I have given it some thought, I don't talk in slogans, I've pointed out what would have to happen for it to work. I don't know where the £15/hour comes from... I do believe that someone is worth their labour regardless of the responsibilities they have. If someone cannot support themselves or their dependants for the wage they earn then they have to be supported by the state. through means tested benefits and raised through taxation..... that is then paid for by you and me so whether you like it or not we do already support people worse off than ourselves. By investing in people's labour at source they are no longer dependant on means tested support and get a better quality of life which improves everything and reduces the social support 'burden' significantly for you and me.I have never said don't raise the minimum wage, but where did £15 come from, what is it based on, how will it be paid for, and what happens when the experienced graduate realises that they earn the same by taking up an entry level job with zero responsibility against the level of responsibility they have now? Or do we raise their wages, and to what level, and what about the more senior people who are now being paid less than their team members, or do we raise their wages too?
Come on, give it some thought and stop using slogans, tell us how you think it would work.
Oh, and I get paid very well thank-you, but I am under loads of pressure.
Don't insult people by constantly asking them to think about things and belittling what people think. By criticising social reform you don't create anything - all you have to do is keep up the mantra 'where will the money come from?' Who's going Ito pay for it all? The money comes from everyone working as part of a capitalist society which generates a surplus and then raises taxes to fund services so that you and I don't have to teach our children, make our sick well again, feed and care for our elderly, mend our roads, empty our bins, catch criminals, There is no magic button- it has to be worked through by collaborating together not being provocatively divisive and negative- something local authorities and the NHS do every day to make the best of the limited resources and staffing levels, caused by this Government's dumbing down and austerity pre-Covid..
Ironically if the Government don't raise the personal tax threshold then all that will happen is that the poorest will; continue to pay more tax through income tax, NI and VAT, negating the political goal of a living wage... which is why a universal income is the better way as it levels everyone up right from the start of their working lives... Ironically levelling-up is the buzzword of this Government. You should be pleased.