I was still at primary school then, in the burbs of Bristol .
Spent most nights of that long hot summer camped out in a homemade shelter under a ceanothus bush in our back garden.
Around that age I also got taken to the newly opened Centre for Alternative Technology , in Wales..
That clearly left a big impression, and one way or another, since then, my live, love, and work life has been influenced by knowing we were heading for deep sh1t if we didn't turn around how we operate as human beans in the world..
Progress since then has been patchy, to say the least, oil corps and their dependants, obfuscated and downright denied over climate change dangers
Despite their having done their own research and found that all that we now know to be true, was very likely to happen...
We're doing more renewables now, but it's still not enough, and it's not fast enough either.
What chance we can.slow down, and try to minimise, if not avert (too late) all the consequences of having pumped so much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere..
Spent most nights of that long hot summer camped out in a homemade shelter under a ceanothus bush in our back garden.
Around that age I also got taken to the newly opened Centre for Alternative Technology , in Wales..
That clearly left a big impression, and one way or another, since then, my live, love, and work life has been influenced by knowing we were heading for deep sh1t if we didn't turn around how we operate as human beans in the world..
Progress since then has been patchy, to say the least, oil corps and their dependants, obfuscated and downright denied over climate change dangers
Despite their having done their own research and found that all that we now know to be true, was very likely to happen...
We're doing more renewables now, but it's still not enough, and it's not fast enough either.
What chance we can.slow down, and try to minimise, if not avert (too late) all the consequences of having pumped so much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere..