3 by-elections - let’s have your comments

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Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
You mean why haven't we dumped the cost centre that is Scotland years ago?

That's such a dumb question I thought you were messing about.

It's clear the Queen was in favour of keeping Scotland in the Union.

For a Conservative, that's an end to it.

Then there's the small matter of the referendum, so the Jockos want to stay as well.

Further, when independence goes badly wrong, England, as the closest neighbour, would have to sort it out.

Thus there is an element of protecting the idiots from themselves.

Ohh - it's the because of Queen, is it?

Hasn't anyone told them yet? Has anyone told you?

You might want to make sure you're sitting down...



Ohh - it's the because of Queen, is it?

Hasn't anyone told them yet? Has anyone told you?

You might want to make sure you're sitting down...


I don’t normally jump to his defence but pale rider did use the past tense.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
I don’t normally jump to his defence but pale rider did use the past tense.

So therefore no longer a reason for not shedding the deadweight, then, unless the average Conservative fears Queenly disapproval from beyond the grave. Notwithstanding the fact an independent Scotland would not automatically become a republic, so inbred Royals & other titled parasites would still continue to own most of it.

Tories love a scapegoat - you'd think demonising & binning off those workshy, scrounging, lazy, drug addled Porridge-w*gs might be a great way to scrape back a few votes from the disaffected Red Wall, now they've got their precious Brexit.

Anyway, I'm off to sit on my fat arse shooting myself full of gak, stuffing my big gob with macaroni pies, guzzling Buckie & watching Netflix on my enormous 99" flat screen TV, all for free because it's paid for by some stupid, furious Tory-voting dullard down in Engerlund.

Cheers, you dismal mug. 👍

Pale Rider

So therefore no longer a reason for not shedding the deadweight, then, unless the average Conservative fears Queenly disapproval from beyond the grave. Notwithstanding the fact an independent Scotland would not automatically become a republic, so inbred Royals & other titled parasites would still continue to own most of it.

Tories love a scapegoat - you'd think demonising & binning off those workshy, scrounging, lazy, drug addled Porridge-w*gs might be a great way to scrape back a few votes from the disaffected Red Wall, now they've got their precious Brexit.

Anyway, I'm off to sit on my fat arse shooting myself full of gak, stuffing my big gob with macaroni pies, guzzling Buckie & watching Netflix on my enormous 99" flat screen TV, all for free because it's paid for by some stupid, furious Tory-voting dullard down in Engerlund.

Cheers, you dismal mug. 👍

It seems likely the King is also in favour of keeping Scotland in the Union, so nothing changes there.

Mind, if the Sturgeonistas are now going to start voting Labour that would be a reason to toss it.

But it's also a reason for Starmer to preserve the status quo.

Poor old Zippi sounds rather bitter, but he may as well make the most of Scotland in the Union because nothing is going to change.

As Rishi said at conference, the independence cause is in retreat.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside

Anyway, I'm off to sit on my fat arse shooting myself full of gak, stuffing my big gob with macaroni pies, guzzling Buckie & watching Netflix on my enormous 99" flat screen TV, all for free because it's paid for by some stupid, furious Tory-voting dullard down in Engerlund.

Cheers, you dismal mug. 👍

Just a normal day then, nothing exciting? ;)

Meanwhile, I shall put on my flat cap, walk my whippets along to the pub, and have a few bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale, whilst glorying in Newcastle United whipping those Parisians. ;)
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Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
It seems likely the King is also in favour of keeping Scotland in the Union, so nothing changes there.

Mind, if the Sturgeonistas are now going to start voting Labour that would be a reason to toss it.

But it's also a reason for Starmer to preserve the status quo.

Poor old Zippi sounds rather bitter, but he may as well make the most of Scotland in the Union because nothing is going to change.

As Rishi said at conference, the independence cause is in retreat.

Not so much bitter, but profoundly disappointed. As you will remember last November an English court decided Scotland didn't have the right to ask itself a question regarding its own future without the consent of a government which has negligible support in Scotland. That's a consent which every Westminster party is clear it will give under no circumstances. Starmer has even implied that he might legislate to make a future independence referendum impossible.

The independence cause is far from 'in retreat' (recent polls give it a quite significant lead) but the lack of a means to achieve the goal other than an unobtainable Section 30 order has fractured & factionalised the movement into bickering, largely about 'routes to independence'. Any party that advocated a route that did not involve grovelling to Tory/Labour lords & masters for permission to so much as ask the question would be declared a proscribed organisation & its membership flung in jail. So there is presently no realistic possibility of Scotland becoming independent in any forseeable future.

The Rutherglen & Hamilton result doesn't suggest the 'Sturgeonistas' (whoever they're supposed to be) want to vote for a Brexity Red Tory, authoritarian, Union Jack-licking Labour Party. This is John McDonnell recently quoting Harold Wilson, in relation to Starmer's lack of policies but just as applicable in Scotland right now:

What seems to have been forgotten is what Harold Wilson described as a fundamental law of elections: they are won and lost by “differential abstention”. In other words, “by that feeling that it is just not worthwhile going down to the polling booth” because of complacency having seen the polls – and assuming one’s vote is pointless – or through disillusionment, because of the lack of difference between the parties. The idea being that who doesn’t vote is at least as important as who does.

So SNP & fringe indy party supporters stayed at home - while the UK unionist party supporters clearly voted tactically to ensure the SNP a kicking.

If Labour do make significant inroads in a GE & subsequent Holyrood election, that's going to be down to tactical voting & the relentless attacks the SNP is constantly subject to from mainstream media & opposition parties, rather than anything positive Starmer offers.

Well done for trying, buy FYI the 'x' sound in the Hispanic transcription of Mexica Nahuatl pictograms would be closer to 'sh'. So if you'd called me 'Sheepy' you might've appeared funnier - & even borderline witty!


The excitement never stops.
2 more by elections today for Dorris and Pinchers seats.
Both have huge majorities to over turn if 24k and 19k.

Fab Foodie

Legendary Member
It wasn't a lecture. Currently politics is binary. You either want the conservative candidate or your don't any vote that isn't for the strongest opponent is wasted. That's what we have. You can vote Green or Lib Dem but by doing so you are actually voting Conservative.

Despite his left-wing protestations, @Adam4868 actually prefers to have a Tory government instead of having to sully his principles....
Any reason or logic will fail. Perfection has its price.

Deleted member 49

Despite his left-wing protestations, @Adam4868 actually prefers to have a Tory government instead of having to sully his principles....
Any reason or logic will fail. Perfection has its price
Perfection has its price lol...nice try fabbers 🙄
Vote for us. We're a bit less sh1te than the other lot ?
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