My issue was with the use of the words in bold in your first post.
I agree that there is an over-strong element of in the Fathers4Justice group that are bitter about the circumstances surrounding their own particular cases, rather than any real fight for justice or fairness, and many of them are idiots who do themselves no good with some of their tactics, but to say that the "main aim" of the organisation is preventing women getting their children away from "men like Gill" is not true, and a pointed accusation that more deserves use of the word "schtick". Unless, of course, you can prove to me most cases of denying access are based upon physical or sexual abuse of children, in which case I readily accept your point.
There is probably a valid debate to be had about whether they believe they are fighting for their inalienable right of access or against what they see as women's inalienable right to deny access. I am happy to see the individual cases dealt with via the legal system based on their merits, primarily the best interests of the child, and if any of those fathers is guilty of abuse I have no issues with them losing access.
Aiui in the majority of cases that come before the court both parents are granted access, by the courts
if it's considered to be safe for / in the interest of the child / children.
So access being denied to one parent by the courts will tend to be around the risk of abuse, yes, generally continued contact with both parents is considered to be a good thing unless there are solid reasons for the courts to judge otherwise. .
There is not, nor should there be, any 'inaliable right' to have contact with your children, whether mother or father..
And certainly no right for one parent to have contact with the other parent.
And therein often lies the problem.
I'm sure you don't need telling, that there are too many cases where an abuser, has used access to the kids , to get at the ex, to continue the abuse.
Trouble is, what some people see as 'normal' and or 'justified' behaviour in relationships, or in the case of relationship breakdown, is in fact abusive and or coercive.
Victims of domestic abuse, not
always but far more often the mother - are not properly protected in these cases.
Hence we are still seeing horribly high numbers of women suffering violence at the hands of, or even being killed by their partners, or ex partners.
Sometimes via having had contact with the kids
Sometimes the kids get murdered too
No their main aim is giving fathers a voice, which is needed as not all women are angels, not defending child rapist and abusers.
edit: @Rusty Nails with this point earlier so i will reply to your reply below
Who has
ever said that all women are Angels..??
Since when did father's not have a 'voice'..?
It's not long since father's had total control and ownership of their children, and indeed of their 'wives'.
The fact that power imbalance has been redressed (somewhat) still seems to offend some people.
LOL start another thread if you're fans of the superhero cosplay dudes, peeps. If you don't get why we need be wary of men whose self-image is that they are the wronged good guys protecting the innocent children from manipulative womenfolk and paedo strangers, then I don't know if I can help. I'm just saying I don't think Eric Gill's public artworks are the number one child protection issue of the day.
Good plan - on the fresh thread - or maybe not..
To be fair to Rusty I think he has opined that he has no particular sympathy with F4J (J4M?) as he observes that they're not particularly helping anything much, particularly not around the welfare of children...