Superhero cosplay dudes? You still don't get the point do you?LOL start another thread if you're fans of the superhero cosplay dudes, peeps. If you don't get why we need be wary of men whose self-image is that they are the wronged good guys protecting the innocent children from manipulative womenfolk and paedo strangers, then I don't know if I can help. I'm just saying I don't think Eric Gill's public artworks are the number one child protection issue of the day.
Majority of the cases also doesn't include abuse etc. most parents who divorce find a way to work it out together, often without needing the court.Aiui in the majority of cases that come before the court both parents are granted access, by the courts if it's considered to be safe for / in the interest of the child / children.
So where not talking about the majority where talking about the minority, and in this case the minority from the minority where the man feels left out.(notice the ''feels'' i'm not picking sides)
But Fathers for justice has brought some cases to court where the judge said ''yes indeed this father has been kept away from his children for the wrong reasons'' or ''this mother has misled the courts'' problem is these cases take years, enough for a mother to put their children against their gather and to ruin any change the father would have had to play an rule in his children's upbringing.
Where Fathers of justice in the past and present tries to point out that risk of abuse comes from both sides, in that minorty from a minority kind of situation where talking about here.So access being denied to one parent by the courts will tend to be around the risk of abuse, yes, generally continued contact with both parents is considered to be a good thing unless there are solid reasons for the courts to judge otherwise. .
In some cases the children would be better of in a foster home with both parents having visiting rights for example.
Not said or implied by me, the law, or fathers for justice so not relevant.There is not, nor should there be, any 'inaliable right' to have contact with your children, whether mother or father..
Based on ruling history the children do get appointed to the mother more often in cases where both parent are deemed ''suitable'' women's privilege maybe?And certainly no right for one parent to have contact with the other parent.
Is abuser universally men in your view? Because shocker women can be just as abusive, more often not physical but emotional, controlling, etc. like setting the children up against their ex-partner for example.And therein often lies the problem.
I'm sure you don't need telling, that there are too many cases where an abuser, has used access to the kids , to get at the ex, to continue the abuse.
There is lots of protection available especially in this kind of situations, there are also fathers who due to their violent past only can see their children at a police station for example. I don't agree that the mother is more often victim of domestic abuse, unless you concentrate on physical abuse only, but if you also take mental and emotional abuse into account i don't think it will differiate much. The issue is getting correct number because the suicide rate on mental heath issue especially as part of domestic abuse are quite high. (and 75% of suicides are men)Trouble is, what some people see as 'normal' and or 'justified' behaviour in relationships, or in the case of relationship breakdown, is in fact abusive and or coercive.
Victims of domestic abuse, not always but far more often the mother - are not properly protected in these cases.
nothing to do with this subject how altough it surely is awfull, a second thing in this kind of violence is also the new partner, but that is an whole topic on ti's own.Hence we are still seeing horribly high numbers of women suffering violence at the hands of, or even being killed by their partners, or ex partners.
Sometimes via having had contact with the kids
Sometimes the kids get murdered too
It said not all women are angels.. just like not all white people are racist, not all politicians are liars(i hope you don't ask for proof of that lol) etc.Who has ever said that all women are Angels..??
Well that's where fathers for justice fights for you can read on their website i see them put sources by most of their claims so you can fully check whether or not you agree with them. That entrirely up to you, i don't think father have an equal voice in divorce situations. Especially when it comes down to court action. And for example on claimed domestic abuse, how many women support groups are there? and how many for males? locally here at least 6 for women, even more of you count religion specific and 0 that's zero for men.Since when did father's not have a 'voice'..?
So try to place yourself in the position of a domestically abused men for a second, do you really feel you voice would be heard? if there is zero help available?
Shocker in Afghanistan, Parts of the usa(alltough not by law) many countries in the middle east, that is in more or less forms still the case. But where talking about the uk here and in the uk that is not the case anymore.(thankfully)It's not long since father's had total control and ownership of their children, and indeed of their 'wives'.
No you're trying to oversimplyfy a very complicated issue and try to make it once again only about tradition gender roles which is kind of ironic since you are always campaigning against that. Well this is an point where you could call to make a difference call to break the chain and change the way think are handled, but instead you so the opposite.The fact that power imbalance has been redressed (somewhat) still seems to offend some people.
Wake up call, it's not always about you being an women, it's not always about more rights for men or women, this should be about an equal position for both parents(Notice ''parents'' you also have same sex couples for example) and not a better position for women because their lawyer says to mention abuse or because of the bias that mother takes care of the children etc.
your'e missing the point of you think there about the wellfare of children, they want a better position for fathers especially in when it comes to divorces. Don't get me wrong i know far to less about them to campaign for their case but i think i you discus something at least have their intended goals right.Good plan - on the fresh thread - or maybe not..
To be fair to Rusty I think he has opined that he has no particular sympathy with F4J (J4M?) as he observes that they're not particularly helping anything much, particularly not around the welfare of children...
I don't know if it's good, would be better if they realized his position before someone decided to destroy the statue. It's always the same reactive BS as if there doing the right thing.. I mean quick read on wikipedia learns that his abuse was exposed in ''89 bit late to stop it in your branding for moral grounds in my view.In related news, apparently Save the Children has announced that it will stop using Gill Sans in its branding. I mean, OK, I guess - other typefaces are available - but let's not kid ourselves that this is child protection rather than optics. Hopefully they've started taking allegations about creeps and harassers in their own senior management seriously, now that they're back on the government contract train...
Happy to help, the quote without the context however has a totally different meaning.I think I'm going to use this as a sig line.