Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Numbers can sort of lose meaning sometimes. I find it helps to consider my own situation when putting sentences* into context. Twenty-nine years ago I was just starting my GCSEs, so a sentence of that length given then would be the entirety of my adult life so far, plus a few years. In twenty-nine years time I will be past retirement age so a sentence of that length given now means I would only see freedom as an old man, if at all. I believe the convicted woman is about thirty years old so her sentence is equivalent to her entire lifetime so far and about a third of a good human lifespan. If she is released after that time she'll be about sixty years old.FWIW here's Joshua Rozenberg on the sentences:
That doesn't seem lenient to me, that seems like an awfully long time. Who else can remember what they were doing twenty-nine years ago, or think where they might be in twenty-nine years time?
Even fourteen years, which sounds like a small number, if you remove it from the abstract and apply it to your own life, may seem like a very long time indeed.
Of course one may consider all that and still decide it's not long enough but I think it helps to consider it in this sort of way.
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