Why didn't she just say, I believe there may have been something wrong. It's cost her a pretty penny
Now let's
understand the news article.
It isn't about someone alleging that the brakes had failed on a Tesla and then being told they hadn't. It's about the willingness of a large multinational company willing to alienate their customers by suing them for damages.
Do you think this lady is
a) More likely to buy another Tesla
b) Never going to buy another Tesla
Most normal companies would take a position along the lines of "I'm really sorry you were involved in a collision, we really can't find any fault with the car though. We do hope that you and your father have recovered. We'd like to give you a complementary test drive if our new model (whatever) and if you choose to replace your car, we would be willing to offer you a 10% discount. We believe that our cars are the safest and most technologically advanced in the world and we'd love to be able to demonstrate that to you again."
Not "fook you, you piece of trash. How dare you speak ill of our vehicles. We'll see you in court"