Birbalsingh vs Phillips

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Pale Rider

Jess at least sounds good...

My knowledge is genuinely limited, but I do get the impression she gets stuck in and shoots from the hip.

Nowt wrong with that.

Pale Rider

Some hilarious replies resulting from the Flies/Rings confusion

I don't doubt it, although I can't read twatter because I don't have an account.

Further, I've read Lord of the Flies, but not Lord of the Rings (too long), so I wouldn't get any jokes relating to the latter.

Pale Rider

@Pale Rider was Lord of the Flies your set book for Eng Lit?

It was mine and I put my failure down to my utter distaste for it.

Well done for guessing when I read it.

It may have been a set book, but there were a few books at the time which us rebellious grammar school boys thought were cool.

Lord of the Flies was one of those, so I might have read it just for the sake of it.

I thought it was OK rather than a classic, but am surprised anyone could find it utterly distasteful.
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