Laurence Fox vs Mukhtar

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Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
Anybody been following the shenanigans in twitter? For those who don't know, a few months ago now someone called Lozza a racist on twitter. Lozza threatened to sue so the bloke retracted his tweet and posted an apology. So far so SLAPP. But then this Mukhtar bloke takes exception to this tactic, calls Fox a racist and dares him to sue. Lozza tries the same thing, threatens a lawyer's letter, Mukhtar tells him to suck his mum and spends the next couple of months goading him over this lawyer's letter which never arrives...

Until today. Turns out Lozza's lawyer had sent a letter but it had gone to the wrong address. So, IT IS ON. Looks like Mukhtar is going to have to defend his allegations of racism, which is kind of ironic seeing as he found out on the day in which Fox has posted a picture of himself and I think his kids in blackface (I am not making this up), mocking an initiative from Sadiq Khan to have a celebration of black culture in Trafalgar Square and simultaneously taking a potshot at the trans community.

It's gonna be interesting watching Fox get his arse handed to him, again.

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I find blocking Fox makes for a better browsing experience


Reading around the chip
I know that's what you want to happen, but it's a very risky assertion.


Pale Rider

Mukhtar's lawyers don't seem to think so. They've taken him on on a no win no fee basis.

Equally, Fox's lawyers ought to have advised him against launching a case he cannot win.

Without sight of the letter before action, it's not even clear exactly what's being claimed.

Ah well, the courts are little different to the internet in that they don't decide things on who can squawk the loudest.

Having an opinion on race does not automatically make you a racist.

I've not followed Fox enough (ie not at all) to judge.

My equally risky prediction is this will fizzle out when both sides calm down a bit and both realise they are not going to get a slam dunk win.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
both sides

Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere...
Having an opinion on race does not automatically make you a racist.

My equally risky prediction is this will fizzle out when both sides calm down a bit and both realise they are not going to get a slam dunk win.

What view on race, other that one that based on equality etc, does not, as a minimum, run the risk of being thought racist?

You are of course right that it will almost certainly not actually go to trial. This is the legal eqivalent of handbags outside a pub; neither is likley to be silly enough to use a stilleto.


Welcome yourself into the new modern crisis
What view on race, other that one that based on equality etc, does not, as a minimum, run the risk of being thought racist?

You are of course right that it will almost certainly not actually go to trial. This is the legal eqivalent of handbags outside a pub; neither is likley to be silly enough to use a stilleto.

I think it's gone further than Mukhtar was betting it would, but it doesn't look like he's about to back down.


Equally, Fox's lawyers ought to have advised him against launching a case he cannot win.

My equally risky prediction is this will fizzle out when both sides calm down a bit and both realise they are not going to get a slam dunk win.

But, if unlike Muktar, Fox is paying for his lawyers then there is little risk for the lawyers.
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