BOOM! Gorgeous George Galloway...a thread for all the fedora hatted ones words of wisdom....

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New Member
LOL. Look, we all know Galloway is a preening narcissist and a terrible cunt, but if you're not enjoying this, you should probably check if you even have a pulse.


While not sold on him or his politics that interview is absolute gold. You've got to admire someone with the balls and conviction to so uncompromisingly savage the default facade of respectability afforded to our current political overlords by the typical media narrative.

He's absolutely right - what relevance and authority does Sunak have to attempt to spread such moral panic? He's unelected by the popular vote, utterly useless and the figurehead of a party whose corruption, greed and incompetence has consistently been, and remains the greatest threat to most of the citizens it's charged with serving.

He has no legitimate mandate and no respect; the reporter might as well be quoting "this bloke I was talking to down the pub yesterday" for all the consideration his opinion deserves.


New Member
Or just watch this...


This was 1994.

Three years after Saddam killed 200k Marsh Arabs in Southern Iraq.

And 5 years after the end of the Al Anfal campaign that saw 182k Kurds killed, disappeared, displaced or deported. This included numerous gas attacks, including on the village of Halabja.

Yes, we can all enjoy Galloway running rings round the right-wing media, pointing out the hypocrisy of our government, and humiliating the individuals, but underneath is a very dark man who serves nobody but himself, and is a paid shill of Russia, and a disseminator of divisive ideas.

I guess you can apply the "change is as good as a rest" mantra to self-serving psychopathic overlords as much as to anything else.. he's certainly a lot more entertaining that a lot of his ilk.

While he's clearly a bit of a fascist-loving nutjob it's depressing to think that the people of Britain share some of Putin's agenda in opposing our current government.

Unfortuntely history is littered with examples of governments who fail in their duties to their citizens opening the door to extremists.
They could just swap jobs. Burnham will want to be an MP again so he can begin to live out his prophesied Return of the King style triumph as he eventually sweeps into Starmer's job. Galloway will very much enjoy all the cash he gets to control and dish out to his mates and his own pet projects as King of the North. Win-Win for the lads in a Game of Thrones style Season one cliffhanger ending.

(Starmer is Sean Bean in this scenario, obvs. Likeable character but guaranteed to meet a sorry ending). I do realise I am compressing LOTR and GOT into one allegory btw, Fantasy anoraks please note.
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They could just swap jobs. Burnham will want to be an MP again so he can begin to live out his prophesied Return of the King style triumph as he eventually sweeps into Starmer's job. Galloway will very much enjoy all the cash he gets to control and dish out to his mates and his own pet projects as King of the North. Win-Win for the lads in a Game of Thrones style Season one cliffhanger ending.

(Starmer is Sean Bean in this scenario, obvs. Likeable character but guaranteed to meet a sorry ending). I do realise I am compressing LOTR and GOT into one allegory btw, Fantasy anoraks please note.

You think this how democracy works?


Implausible. Does not compute. Etc.

I agree, he's more Saruman than Ned Stark.
You think this how democracy works?

Yes, I do. I definitely think an elected sitting MP can swap jobs with an elected mayor just because they've agreed it between them.
I absolutely, definitely do think that and can see no legal, parliamentary, or indeed logistical reasons why that shouldn't happen by next Monday at the very latest. I'm going to insist it does, just for the craic.

Edit: Also, Burnham must wear the hat.
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