BRFR Cake Stop 'breaking news' miscellany

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Stevo 666

What did I miss with the mysogeny theme? Someone hasn't just made another Nicola Sturgeon (who for the avoidance of doubt is a national treasure) joke have they?

Not far off, but the miserable wokeys have deemed that it is unsuitable. For them apparently, but that's too bad. Some of them make me think that Rick has secret multiple accounts on here.

But now you mention it, I should dig a Wee Jimmy Krankie meme out for the benefit of everyone.
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Stevo 666

Picture the scene: a comedy club which has been open for several years, ticking over nicely. A comedian from out of town comes in and starts his set. First joke gets no laughs. Second joke... nope, but a bit of heckling. He tries telling the third one louder, but a few more hecklers join in. Hmm doesn't seem to be working. What to do? Aha, tell the punters they've got no sense of humour. "Yes, that should do the trick!" the comedian reassures himself.

Now now Brian, if wanted a condescending lecture from you I would have asked for it. If you don't find the stuff funny, I don't care. Got a few likes though, so may as well carry on 😉


Now now Brian, if wanted a condescending lecture from you I would have asked for it. If you don't find the stuff funny, I don't care. Got a few likes though, so may as well carry on 😉

Oh, did you think that was about you?

Anyway, carry on. I'm quite enjoying being a spectator to your show.


First Aspect. You have left. Get over it man, just chill.

And if I could actually post an image in here, as in not micro style, I could show you some comparatives across the dUK on A&E waiting times, crime rates, water quality, teacher pupil ratios et al, the sort of things you'll never hear via the Tory controlled Beeb.

The Tory controlled Beeb?

You okay hun?
The Tory controlled Beeb?

You okay hun?

Some of those things might explain why Scotland is running an 11% deficit, despite much higher taxes?

Water quality is just a population density thing. If you can't manage to get decent water in a wet, hilly, sparsely populated country, there's no hope for humanity. But Scotland still contrives to dump poo into the rivers on an industrial scale, only the company doing it is state owned so the government doesn't as vocally blame itself quite so much.

I thought on crime rates, Glasgow was another world leader.

And regardless of teacher pupil ratios, aren't Scottish children racing down the world league tables on literacy and numeracy? Are they ahead, or behind, the UK as a whole?
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