How do you know there aren't people going around being offended on behalf of others that don't feel offended themselves?
Equally well, how do you know there are ??
Personally I'm happy to be careful with my use of language in cases where people are experiencing or have experienced discrimination in the past, and I've caught onto new terminology or thinking
For instance I and many other women have been subject to horrible discriminatory language and attitudes used against us to slur and diminish.
You have a daughter and a wife , but I've seen you use terms on here that I doubt you'd use in front of them.
If you do, then I genuinely feel sorry they have to hang out with such a thoughtless fellow.
Anyway, i know what that feels like, so it's not a great leap of imagination to understand how it feels to have racist language used against one.
Or any other discriminatory action or words used against other marginalised groups
Genuine mistakes are forgiveable.
Persistent offending, once a problem with a word is explained and notified is by definition deliberately offensive.
Certain people, or identity groups may reclaim words , such as the N word , or women using the word slut, or even your friend using half-caste..
Just because those people use them doesn't mean you should feel free to. .