Cannabis as a Class A drug?

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Good on them! Accessing help is not easy, and prohibitively expensive if you go private.
It was very difficult we tried to get help for 2 years, and through perseverance we managed to get him a funded place in rehab. Mental health services are absolutely essential and to see how they have been stripped back due to cuts by the Conservative Government is quite painful.


Elder Goth
It was very difficult we tried to get help for 2 years, and through perseverance we managed to get him a funded place in rehab. Mental health services are absolutely essential and to see how they have been stripped back due to cuts by the Conservative Government is quite painful.

I totally agree. If you don't stay proactive about things, it's way too easy to let things become overwhelming and people just give up. It's very difficult to maintain the effort to get the support required.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Yep, close relative. I echo @AndyRM. It very nearly ended a marriage, a life and left a wife and child homeless. Luckily thanks to support from family, Forward Trust and a residential rehabilitation it has been completely turned around. The relative in question recently finished the London Marathon in just under 3 hours.

Help is far, far better than punishment.

Indeed. I never said otherwise. I have two examples among relatives, plus, a close friends brother, who, sadly died as a result of alcohol/drug abuse.


Reading around the chip
It has an active ingredient which is a dangerous psychoactive compound known as "dimesmeric andersonphospate". It stimulates the part of the brain called "Shatner's bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with time perception. So a second feels like a month. Well, it almost sounds like fun, unless you're the Prague schoolboy who walked out into the street, straight in front of a tram. He thought he'd got a month to cross the street.
It has an active ingredient which is a dangerous psychoactive compound known as "dimesmeric andersonphospate". It stimulates the part of the brain called "Shatner's bassoon", and that's the bit of the brain that deals with time perception. So a second feels like a month. Well, it almost sounds like fun, unless you're the Prague schoolboy who walked out into the street, straight in front of a tram. He thought he'd got a month to cross the street.

Thanks, Noel.


Senior Member
"Frequent use of cannabis, especially the start of use at a younger age, doubles the risk of schizophrenia development in the future [16]. Daily use of marijuana increases the risk of psychotic illness development with as much as five times higher risk in person using high potency THC" cannabis, especially,high potency THC [18].

Conclusions: Findings support the view that cannabis use may act to decrease educational achievement in young people. It is likely that this reflects the effects of the social context within which cannabis is used rather than any direct effect of cannabis on cognitive ability or motivation. the view,on cognitive ability or motivation.

Yep, nowhere near as damaging :rolleyes:

What about magic mushrooms can they help with depression or PTSD if dosed correctly?

Deleted member 121

What about magic mushrooms can they help with depression or PTSD if dosed correctly?

They generally improve already excellent Black Sabbath concerts in my experience.

Deleted member 49

When the mushrooms kick in....
Speaking only from personal experience; my best friend started smoking weed at 15, recreationally. In the 90's it was resin, cut with different stuff, didn't really get you off your face (yes I tried it but usually vomitted afterwards). My mate continued smoking recreationally until he got a job in his 20's. The last 10-13 years or so, he started dealing. And it was all skunk. By this time he's been smoking a couple joints a day during work, and then 3 or 4 in the evening, and I don't know how much all weekeend. I took one puff of skunk and it knocked my sideways.

Had it been leaglised then, I suspect it would be weaker and only a certain amount available. From my mate's point of view, he would have got all he could legally and then wanted more, which would have been gained illegally. Remember that long term users have a much greater tolerance, so issuing some form of legal (weaker) substance would not satisgy a lot of people.

But it's legal now (let's pretend) so you'd have people buying the legal stuff and hoarding it up. A black market would still exist, and a second black market would also exist for skunk. I don't think anyone wants to legalise it becasue with legalisation comes social acceptance....which isn't far from encouragement. You know what British youths/adults are like, you only have to look at alcohol use to see that it is abused on a daily basis by millions. Legalising it (IMHO) would not solve anything, and would only reduce current and future users from "100% illegal use" to "40% legal and 60% illegal" use, because they'd always want more/better/stronger stuff than would be available from certified outlets.

And on the subject of the effects of cannabis, again recreational/occasional use is pretty much harm-free apart from the tobacco it's often mixed with. But my mate by his own admission has destroyed his life. He became a paranoid, self-depricating, depressed hermit in his last 20 years living down here in Devon. He moved up to Yorkshire to be with his terminally ill mum, and quit weed. But the damage was done, he became so bad that not being stoned was too unpleasant for him, so he's now an alcoholic


Speaking only from personal experience; my best friend started smoking weed at 15, recreationally. In the 90's it was resin, cut with different stuff, didn't really get you off your face (yes I tried it but usually vomitted afterwards). My mate continued smoking recreationally until he got a job in his 20's. The last 10-13 years or so, he started dealing. And it was all skunk. By this time he's been smoking a couple joints a day during work, and then 3 or 4 in the evening, and I don't know how much all weekeend. I took one puff of skunk and it knocked my sideways.

Had it been leaglised then, I suspect it would be weaker and only a certain amount available. From my mate's point of view, he would have got all he could legally and then wanted more, which would have been gained illegally. Remember that long term users have a much greater tolerance, so issuing some form of legal (weaker) substance would not satisgy a lot of people.

But it's legal now (let's pretend) so you'd have people buying the legal stuff and hoarding it up. A black market would still exist, and a second black market would also exist for skunk. I don't think anyone wants to legalise it becasue with legalisation comes social acceptance....which isn't far from encouragement. You know what British youths/adults are like, you only have to look at alcohol use to see that it is abused on a daily basis by millions. Legalising it (IMHO) would not solve anything, and would only reduce current and future users from "100% illegal use" to "40% legal and 60% illegal" use, because they'd always want more/better/stronger stuff than would be available from certified outlets.

And on the subject of the effects of cannabis, again recreational/occasional use is pretty much harm-free apart from the tobacco it's often mixed with. But my mate by his own admission has destroyed his life. He became a paranoid, self-depricating, depressed hermit in his last 20 years living down here in Devon. He moved up to Yorkshire to be with his terminally ill mum, and quit weed. But the damage was done, he became so bad that not being stoned was too unpleasant for him, so he's now an alcoholic

Yup I'd agree, I've seen quite a few MH issues surrounding the current use of skunk.
Paranoia, anxiety and so on.

It's no longer the 'bit of a giggle, and attack of the munchies' that it used to be with resin, or homegrown weed..

I think, there's probs a market for the more mellow low dose thc 'shade leaves' type strength pot. Just to mellow things out a bit -

Not that I'm about to start supplying such a thing you understand..😇
Unless it becomes legal to produce.

Hemp is a really good low input crop for fulfilling all kinds of other purposes, nutritional, medicinal and fibre related

You can get a licence to grow it in this country for those reasons .

I think (but I'm not sure) that the current sort of 'legal but not quite' 'fudge' that we have now is about as good as we're likely to get under current political climate.

Of course with class As in particular it's the harms further back up the supply chain that we have to address..
No easy answers, or solutions

Yes some people self- medicate to get away from 'painful' stuff in their lives .

But it's also true that they do it for 'fun' too.

I used to be a bit of a 'raver' back in the day.
Although I personally barely ever took any ecstasy, I seemed to be able to keep.going all night just on a flask of green tea..💚

Them were the days!!

But there's no denying that pretty much everyone was having a fabulously loved up time, and it was about having the 'time of your life' not desperately trying to get away from miserable circumstances. .
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