Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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Surely the laws of physics explains why. Reducing weight reduces energy usage, thus those big taxes from countries who wish to tackle climate change and other pollution variants.
So you want to tax cars that pollute less more so that people don't buy them because they are heavy, and reduce taxes on cars that produce more greenhouse gasses but weigh less because that will save the planet how exactly?


Über Member
So you want to tax cars that pollute less more so that people don't buy them because they are heavy, and reduce taxes on cars that produce more greenhouse gasses but weigh less because that will save the planet how exactly?
Int NACA brilliant. Find a way to reduce every argument to a false binary? Can we do it? Yes we can.


Int NACA brilliant. Find a way to reduce every argument to a false binary? Can we do it? Yes we can.
How so? I just don't see any value in trying to get people *not* to buy EVs rather than buying EVs. The weight issue is a bit of a red herring. It's a short term problem that likely won't be here in 10 years time. Possibly even 5 years time.
How so? I just don't see any value in trying to get people *not* to buy EVs rather than buying EVs. The weight issue is a bit of a red herring. It's a short term problem that likely won't be here in 10 years time. Possibly even 5 years time.
yeah in 10 years time we have car waste issue due to EV's with death batteries and no economical value due to the replacement cost of said batteries. Great advocating for a new problem. Just like we did when Al-gore was doomongering, we said buy wood pallets instead of gas and all the people who did at the time are now branded filthy polluters. upping the game in blaming others for greenwashing created problems instead of real soluttions


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
Because ICE cars weigh less. If you are taxing on weight, then ICE cars become more desirable.

The. tax in question (Vehicle Excise Duty) is not the only tax on vehicles, there is also VAT and Fuel Duty. Couldn't VAT and/or fuel duty, for example, be increased to make ICE cars less desirable?, or, as most Politicians love to do, intruduce a whole new tax, to deter ICE vehicle ownership.


They already are separated. And France even has an ICE SUV tax. Paris even has or is about to have a higher rate for SUV parking.

EVs need taxing accordingly too, with a recent media clamour to do just that.


The. tax in question (Vehicle Excise Duty) is not the only tax on vehicles, there is also VAT and Fuel Duty. Couldn't VAT and/or fuel duty, for example, be increased to make ICE cars less desirable?, or, as most Politicians love to do, intruduce a whole new tax, to deter ICE vehicle ownership.

Oh of course. That's what Norway did. No VAT on EVs, extra ICE tax on ICE cars. It made buying EV cheaper than buying ICE with the result that ICE sales went through the floor. I think, however they have fewer issues with lobbying due to their openness and transparency.


EVs need taxing accordingly too, with a recent media clamour to do just that.
Gosh - I wonder where that media clamour came from? It's almost like there is a vested interest in ensuring that ICE sales continue...

You don't move to electric by making EVs even less affordable. Which part of this are you struggling with?


They are correct too, cars simply being too big. Also,
Get one of these then.

EV sales are low because they tend to be massive, people competing for the biggest car available in order to feel the safest.
Nonsense. EV sales are low because they are expensive and there are not that many yet in the second hand market.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside

They are correct too, cars simply being too big. Also, EV sales are low because they tend to be massive, people competing for the biggest car available in order to feel the safest. It will happen, though probably why the tipping point is well passed, extinction guaranteed.

Are these two statements not contradictory?, if people want a massive car, in order to feel the safest, wouldn't that imply EV sales would be buoyant?

Do you have any actual evidence that sales are significantly predicated on size and/or weight?
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And why are they expensive? There is little incentive to compete small, and why cars like that can charge double what it should cost.
Even the main cost, the battery, in todays market costs them only about £500.

In China the main sales are small EVs starting at about $3000. Battery swaps are a big thing there too.
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