Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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English Heritage man on Toady prog this morning was of course decrying the defamation of this world heritage site. He then went on to say it was a symbol of how early civilisations lived hand in hand with the season and nature...I don't think he'd quite joined the dots at that point....

He did mention that the rare lichen on the stones is very sensitive to climate change, would that be the same climate change that JSO are trying to prevent?

JSO are running a poll on TwiX at the moment: Which is more serious, corn starch or climate change?
The usual suspects are choosing the former.

The whole rumpus sheds an interesting light on society's priorities in general.


He did mention that the rare lichen on the stones is very sensitive to climate change, would that be the same climate change that JSO are trying to prevent?

Pathetic, isn't it??

I love the idea that Stonehenge was erected as a nature reserve, and we have an obligation to preserve every living microbe that takes up residence there. (Never mind there are estimated 1 million species of lichen on the planet, IF ONE LICHEN CAN BE SAVED BY NOT THROWING CORN-STARCH AROUND !!! )


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