Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside

I notice that article also mentions William's income from the Duchy of Cornwall (c£23million). He has, apparently, declined to tell us how much tax he pays on that, the article simply says he pays "a standard rate tax". He is not legally obliged to tell us how much tax he pays, but, if he chooses not to, then, the assumption may well be that he has something to hide.


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
I think it's 100% to treasury, but the treasury then pay the Royal Family the sovereign grant which is used for things like refurbishing Buckingham Palace.

Splitting hairs land ;)


Splitting hairs land ;)

Sure - but the point is that what is proposed is not entirely against the principles of socialism. Although to be fair, the Labour Party is not a socialist party, even if it has socialist factions within. It wouldn't have got elected if it was.


Über Member
'president of the National Farmers Union (NFU) said: “What we eat is a personal choice and not something which is imposed." '
So extinction is yet again 'a personal choice'.

50% vegan or 50% highly processed mush?


All rather silly. 100% would be actually noteworthy.
I slightly wonder if that quote was in context.


All rather silly. 100% would be actually noteworthy.
I slightly wonder if that quote was in context.

It's also rather silly as what they actually need to do is monitor what sells and what doesn't. If all the vegan stuff is left over at the end of the day, it rather suggests that there is no demand. If it's all the meat products then again - adjust your menu to cater for demand.

qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
“We will be held accountable for our actions today, and we will face the full force of the law. When will the fossil fuel executives and the politicians they’ve bought be held accountable for the criminal damage that they are imposing on every living thing?”
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