And any activist who actually does manage without all the standard trappings of modern life will inevitably be sneeringly labelled "yohgurt knitting commie hippy clowns" by all the usual suspects. Or be accused of hypocrisy anyway, because they can't believe anyone can exits without a car or fly. Or both.
Oh yes all that, plus 'unwashed' and needing to get a job 👍🏼🙄
We're usually very quick to laughingly refer to ourselves as full hippy, lefty knicker knitting, wholefoodistas - even when that's not quite the case..
I mean I eat meat, own tractors, and run two profitable businesses.
Haven't flown since the nineties - but still manage to have brilliant holidays.
It can be sooo confusing trying to pin down and properly dismiss these eco activist 'idiots' .
Oh i forgot - Then if you do so much as dare mention what you do (or don't do) to try to be some small part of the solution - You'll get accused of 'virtue signalling'
If only half as much effort went into tackling the very real problem of climate change, rather than trying to discredit those trying to effect change in less than ideal circumstances, we'd be a lot further down the route to solving it.