Unfortunately even the basic knowledge appears to be severely lacking, but ignorance is available in abundance....
But then:
There's a lot of denial and conspiracy theory among the populous.
There's a lot of heads buried in the sand.
There's knowing the basics an carrying-on a usual.
There's people doing their best to effect change.
There are those that are giving-up.
But those with the power to make meaningful change happen, have little vested interest in doing so.
The opportunities to properly educate oneself are abundant.
Unfortunately there are still many bad actors prepared to obfuscate, dissemble and deny.
Either through powerful.vested self interest, or sometimes I feel sheer through misanthropy, and egotism.
I think our best bet is reinvigorating the hopeless, whilst bringing onboard the carrying on as usual tribe, and some at least of the head in the sanders..
Not necessarily to glue themselves to the road or live up a tree, but to be vocal and be active enough to present the 'will of the people' loudly enough to those who need to hear it.
Can't remember the exact proportion but there's a number of engaged folk required, at which a political tipping point for meaningful change arrives.
It doesn't have to be 'everybody' trying to be perfect, in a clearly imperfect world, just a critical mass, of "Want to do much much betters"
No one person, or organisation can 'fix' this by themselves.
So we need to somehow create that fraternity of general goodwill towards working together, across borders, and across cultures, to solve this..
That last part is of course the hardest.
We have the science, we have most of the tech and the methodology, and more is coming on stream all the time, we even have the resources.
It's the concerted will, belief, and imagination that we can change for the better, that gets squashed all too easily.
So mental resilience, and humanity and hopefulness needs to be built in to it all too.