Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?

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Taxing frequent flyers is in the news. Is this workable?
(I don't personally see a problem, but there are always Unintended Consequences ... )

ED Miliband's adviser wants to slap new taxes on Brits who fly abroad for their holidays. Eleanor Salter also wants to BAN all domestic flights in the UK. And she called for the “managed decline” of industries which use fossil fuels - even though this would cause job losses

"We want the frequent flyer tax. Keep the tax the same on working-class people who are going on their one holiday.

"Every time you go on a second-holiday flight, you double it and you double it and double those guys like Gilbert pay for the prices that they're inflicting."


Yet it has to be done if there is to be any hope of cancelling runaway global warming.
Sadly, things will likely only happen at total devastation, when anything and everything are all too late.


or in the climate change thread...

yeah, it's very relevant there here! Deniers claim "all the predictions" have been wrong. Whereas in fact, most predictions about climate have been right.

Do people stop reading the weather forecast just because it was wrong once? Hmmm ... number of hits on Weather pages online suggests otherwise ...
Taxing frequent flyers is in the news. Is this workable?
(I don't personally see a problem, but there are always Unintended Consequences ... )

I took 45 individual flights last year, that's gonna get pricey....

None were for holidays.


How many could have been a video conference?

Cop28 was a total farce. Private jets galore. If anything really needed video conferencing then that was it.


Taxing frequent flyers is in the news. Is this workable?
(I don't personally see a problem, but there are always Unintended Consequences ... )

I took 45 individual flights last year, that's gonna get pricey....

None were for holidays.
That's an Intended Consequence.

(as for the work/leisure split - well that's for you to sort out with your employer. If - say - flights 41-45 became uneconomic for them to send you, maybe then that video conference room would get some nice chairs ... )
How many could have been a video conference?

Cop28 was a total farce. Private jets galore. If anything really needed video conferencing then that was it.

I need to be in the customer's factory and see the end product in real time to do my job.
Contrary to public opinion, many people 'flying for business' don't travel for the fun of it and many companies are putting barriers in place to prevent unnecessary and costly (financial and environmental) travel of all types.
Where we can video conference we will.
That's an Intended Consequence.

(as for the work/leisure split - well that's for you to sort out with your employer. If - say - flights 41-45 became uneconomic for them to send you, maybe then that video conference room would get some nice chairs ... )

I appreciate the intention :rolleyes: Am not a complete fckwit....
And as it's not my money I don't care either. If I can't get to my customers I can't do the main part of my job, so I'll be made redundant, retire or do something else. C'est la vie.
In my 61 years I've only ever had 4 holidays abroad where I've travelled by plane. I couldn't care less if I never flew again....

Which reminds me, need to book a flight to Poland for next week where I had planned 2 different customer trials in 1 week to save the planet!


The masses have self service checkouts, Amazon and now AI to help make them redundant.
Climate Change itself has lots of fish. To fry.


I appreciate the intention :rolleyes: Am not a complete fckwit....
And as it's not my money I don't care either. If I can't get to my customers I can't do the main part of my job, so I'll be made redundant, retire or do something else. C'est la vie.
In my 61 years I've only ever had 4 holidays abroad where I've travelled by plane. I couldn't care less if I never flew again....

So ...
IF you are not a fckwit, AND
You don't want to fly for leisure ....
.. may I ask why you are bleating about this idea?
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