COP26: All talk or some real action on climate change?

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Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
We don't necessarily need EASY - but we do need something in the next few years!

In the old place, when that happened I assumed it was cos t'other bloke was on everyone's Ignore List ! So please assume that you're simply far more interesting/nice a person to debate with. :smooch:

Judging by other threads, “ignore” is not the explanation ;)


Old man on a bike. Not a member of a clique.
South Tyneside
It seems indisputably sensible you're right.

Unfortunately geo politics is a 'bit' more complicated than that..

If only the sensible people were in charge right.?

Not the self interested egotistical short termist capitalists..

Yes, fortunately, Solar Cells were invented in a hot-bed of a non-capitalist system.


Yes, fortunately, Solar Cells were invented in a hot-bed of a non-capitalist system.

Exploitative capitalism wasn't a prerequisite for solar cell development, though was it.

In fact there are plenty of stories of renewable energy techs being sat on or suppressed by those who stand / stood to gain most by fossil fuel extraction.

Oil corps hiding their own projections regarding climate change, as far back as the sixties.

They knew , but carried on regardless.

The fact that PV's were developed whilst rampant capitalism was still in existance doesn't mean that it was required to exist for that to happen does it.??

That would be very fuzzy logic.

Innovation can spring up all over.

That requires human, ingenuity, creativity, purpose, and good intent.

Subsaharan Africa for example could probs have been running itself almost wholly on PVs by now, with some help from those who could.

But that wouldn't have suited the extractive oil corps agenda would it..??

Keep em poor and desperate, and easily exploitable, no matter the cost to humanity, keep pumping the oil..

I was on a panel with a very nice woman from Uganda last week, she was detailing the struggles they are already having with cropping on their farms , due to climate change.

Alongside people from central and south America.

Put my bits of bother with weather into perspective, somewhat.

But CC is coming to get us soon too, in case there was any cause for complacency..


Master of the Inane Comment
Between them China and India have over 1/3 of the World's population. ...
It is a nice hair-shirt solution that will fit in to the "West is bad" guilt trip but in reality is so unlikely to happen that it will be too little, too late to stop temperatures rising by above the 2° level.
On a slightly more serious note, this is the elephant in the room. Reading and listening to discussions recently the continuing increase in the use of coal by India and China will more than nullify anything the West actually does to reduce emissions. Westerners are panicking about the year 2030, whereas India and China are talking about 2060 or 70 to become carbon neutral.

The figure I saw quoted in a presentation recently regarding the Fatherland was that if all the billions about to be invested in renewables to meet the Paris requirements actually succeed, the effect on global warming given the percentage of it down to Germany (about 3%) would be a reduction of 0.004 of a degree. (It might have been 0.0004 of a degree I'm going by memory). Britain would be similar.

May be mitigation would be a better policy if the Far East doesn't actually do anything concrete. The West will increase costs at least initially, making their economies less competitive and thereby increasing the economic clout and influence of the east.


Master of the Inane Comment
"old" is relative ;) I am only 74 ;)
Bless you, my child ... :biggrin:
Which is...?

I'm not making it sound silly. It just does.
Traditional windmills have much larger blades but spin at a slower speed, they don't produce low noise which endangers humans, sea and wildlife. They also are not build on sea beds.
There is also something about height which is maybe not important to you, it is to birds etc.
Are "solar wind farms" any different to the "wind farms" that we normally talk about? i.e. a large-ish area covered with 10metre+ white turbines, of which there are now hundreds across the UK?
windmill posted below:


Wind farm or solar wind farm(i believe solar wind farm is on for example former farm land when they also add solar panels on the ground)



So which do you have a problem with: wind farms, or solar wind farms?

(Thanks for the windmill pic - they look lovely!)


Well-Known Member
Traditional windmills have much larger blades but spin at a slower speed, they don't produce low noise which endangers humans, sea and wildlife.

I expect you are talking about Infrasound.

1) Infrasound has never found be detrimental to human health unless so loud that noise of any frequency would be detrimental at this volume.
2) Windmills product low volumes of infrasound. We get more exposure from a whole host of everyday natural and man-made things that are higher volumes than wind turbines.

The whole infrasound / windmill thing is pseudo-science BS peddled by people who don't like wind turbines for some reason. Look at the multiple scientific publications into it.

Meanwhile, or course fossil fuel extraction and use has no environmental impact... oh wait...

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