Salty seadog
Senior Member
The UK's foreign policy has been bonkers for a while.
I still can't quite get my head around the resistance for Scottish independence, but the idea that Brexit was a great idea. So, no to some unions, but yes to another? Stellar logic.
I did enjoy everyone trooping up to Scotland for a bit of campaigning when it looked like we might have actually voted to leave...
The tories foreign policy is rock solid. If its foreign it's the devil's work.
EU workers propping up our ailing NHS, farming, hospitality and countless other industries.
Let's dump metric and get back to good old British imperial,
Oooh, let's not forget all those Afghans who worked alongside the British and were promised save haven...... How are they doing?
fark 'em, we hold all the cards.
For the few, not the many. away Elvis...
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