Has he never considered those who never committed a crime before being executed?
He's not wrong though is he...🙄
Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson in favour of the death penalty:
“nobody has ever committed a crime after being executed”
I still remember watching the brilliant Rough Justice years ago,never mind all the other wrongful convictions that have come about...Birmingham Six being the first that springs to mind.
Do people not think with modern technology, the appeal process and CCTV that's everywhere the chances of wrongfully putting these scumbags down would be pretty much negated?
Sorry don't know where the rest of my reply went...anyway there's allways room for error.Im sure America has access to all the modern technology we have and they still get it wrong.Either way I'm against it.Do people not think with modern technology, the appeal process and CCTV that's everywhere the chances of wrongfully putting these scumbags down would be pretty much negated?
Lee Rigby's murderer for example or Ian Huntly, any chance the wrong person was imprisoned?
Probably not much chance if it was a conviction based on forensics, but still possible if it was a case based on witness testimony. Also worth noting that not everybody gets a decent lawyer who makes sure all the evidence is heard. More of an issue in the US than here but can still affect the outcome of a trial.
I think there would be more support for extending the 'whole life tarrif' than a return to the death penalty.
DNA evidence is not as flawless as people think, in fact it is riddled with holes.