Donald I, emperor of the world.

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The Onion, writing next week's news stories today
Extreme far left bishop-no surprise

No. She's doing her job and mentioning exactly what Jesus taught.

It seems that nothing triggers MAGA retards and Evangelical Christians more than someone telling them what Jesus actually taught.

Also, Jesus would be considered far-left nowadays.


Senior Member
No. She's doing her job and mentioning exactly what Jesus taught.

It seems that nothing triggers MAGA retards and Evangelical Christians more than someone telling them what Jesus actually taught.

Also, Jesus would be considered far-left nowadays.

Definitely extreme left woke nut job


Elder Goth
No. She's doing her job and mentioning exactly what Jesus taught.

It seems that nothing triggers MAGA retards and Evangelical Christians more than someone telling them what Jesus actually taught.

Also, Jesus would be considered far-left nowadays.

Jesus was a pretty awesome dude. He'd be raging about how blindingly stupid some Christians are with their interpretations of him.

Xipe Totec

Something nasty in the woodshed
So, she does her job as a Bishop but she's a left wing nut job?

The mental gymnastics going on in your head must be Olympic gold medal standard.

We need to appreciate that Andy's just understandably surprised when an ordained Bishop turns out not to support a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

I mean - isn't everybody?


Well-Known Member
A good analysis of Facebook/Zukenberger's ending fact checkers. It's a BBC audio program so listening will take time. The Facebook bit starts 05:30 in from the start.
Uses BBC's web page player but program also downloadable into whatever you use to play audio from

II found the discussion about Zukenberger's historical appologies particularly ironic. It also raises the aspect that Facebook has now become another arm of the US Government in effect pushing US Government policies into other non-US countries.


the snail

Active Member
She only served 60 days. Some got extremely long sentences.

All they did was walk around the building, no one died.

Pelosi refused Trump's offer to send up to 10,000 military guards.

AOC said she felt like she was going to be raped, except she wasn't even in the building where the protesters were :laugh:



'Think', doing mega squats there
You do know that it has been accepted that there were FBI undercover agents amongst the protesters ,encouraging riotous behaviour on January 6th
At least "think" is present in @the snail's post. Have you had enough of posting provably false statements (just because it's getting a bit boring pointing you at established, proven factual evidence) ?
A report from the Inspector General's office said there was no evidence that there were undercover FBI agents in the crowd or on Capitol Hill.

'We found no evidence in the materials we reviewed or the testimony we received showing or suggesting that the FBI had undercover employees in the various protest crowds, or at the Capitol, on January 6,' the report noted.
What they did say is that
the inspector general revealed that the Department of Justice had 26 confidential human sources working for the FBI in Washington, D.C., during the protests.
confidential human sources are informants. So proud boys willing to take some cash to inform on their friends.

A photo search says the man in yellow is police officer Noah Rathbun. He seems to still be a serving police officer in Washington. He has neither lost his sight nor killed himself.

This is the kind of factually wrong provocative social media post that could trigger violence surely? Should posting it get a lengthy jail sentence?

How long should the Snail get? Should we report him to Prevent or the police?

(Of course not, but you can see my point. This post does the same thing that got people riled up in Washington in the first place).


Senior Member
At least "think" is present in @the snail's post. Have you had enough of posting provably false statements (just because it's getting a bit boring pointing you at established, proven factual evidence) ?

What they did say is that

confidential human sources are informants. So proud boys willing to take some cash to inform on their friends.



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