Hi Pale Rider, please could you point me to the place in this thread where anyone has argued for censorship, as opposed to suggesting what their own preference is? Or were you not alluding to anyone on this thread, just to something in the world outside?
"Land of Hope and Glory is Imperial and Colonial bollox and should be ditched.
Jerusalem has merits, but the link to Christian religion may no longer be appropriate for a modern forward-thinking nation."
"The tune of I Vow to Thee My Country is suitably uplifting but it needs new non jingoistic words."
are advocating removing certain lyrics from public view, because some people find them disagreeable?
This may not exactly be a "British Board of Censorship" applying "U" and "X" certificates, but, to my mind, it is Censorship.
For the record, as I have said earlier, I am not in favour of flag waving, jingoism etc, but, I do like a bit of freedom.