It’s strange that people are quick to point the finger at say religion as a cause of major global conflict but seem to be blind to overt nationalism.
Populism feeds on nationalism and as I think most can clearly see, that around the world overt nationalism doesn’t lead to a peaceful existence.
What we need is LESS nationalism, not more….
No 'nationalism' at all in that sense of the word
Just a touch of mild 'patriotism' if you want.
Ie being pleased if 'our' country, does a good thing .
But be honest, and even a bit p*ssed off if it doesn't.
That's an adult approach , yes??
The whole "proud to be from"
concept is a bit weird anyway ..
I mean I totally get having affection for the place one is born in, or where one lives.
If it's a half decent place, and doesn't do awful things.
But we do need to be realistic about the downsides, as well as any upsides of nation states or places.
And as for my being a 'proud' Englishwoman,??
I mean this is where I happened to emerge into the world..
Thanks for all that effort mum!!
But I didn't do anything clever to make that happen , I've got nothing to crow about.
As chance would have it , three weeks earlier I could have been born in Scotland.
If my dad had taken a different job I could have been born in Trinidad, by all accounts
None of these chance places of birth would have been anything for me to be 'proud' of.
I sort of think Trinidad might have been kinda cool though