We expect drivers to use their vehicles with care and consideration for others, and we have to reluctantly accept that some won't live up to those expectations. What we don't do is tell everybody that road traffic laws are only advisory just because some selfish people moan that they're not allowed to behave like dangerous peanuts.
What we do is attempt to strike a balance between personal freedom and public safety. This situation is no different.
You're singing into the wind here.
Personal freedom trumps all else in some peoples world's, that's just how it is
Taking social responsibility, is pretty much akin to communism in some people's minds.
The idea of taking action for the sake of unknown, or even as yet unborn 'others' is an alien concept.
This is what decades of Tory misrule has brought us.
Plus everywhere, selfishness is baked into human nature to a certain extent, in the majority of us.
This is why we have codes of ethics, governments, laws, rules and regs because most of us (myself included) can't be trusted to always present our best selves, and be naturally thoughtful and caring about 'the bigger picture' or people not in our close circle.
But arguing with people who don't feel that way is a pointless waste of forum space.
The strange thing is that people who are advocating for our 'freedom' (from mask wearing and testing) at all costs
Are the same ones who will also advocate strongly for 'lock em up and throw away the key' or 'send them to the electric chair' when other 'antisocial' acts are committed.
It's a slightly puzzling 'all or nothing' type mindset