Well, I'm getting strong vibes of thin-skinned, pompous windbag who likes to pronounce on others, but squeals when his own less than courteous behaviour and intellectual failings are highlighted.
You made about 10 posts on Edwards, seven of which were a pop at me.
That is your only, brainless, interest.
If you think it bothers me, that's yet another thing you are wrong about.
You are keen to give it out, so don't squawk if you get some back.
Perhaps you only usually pick on people who won't fight back.
Wouldn't surprise me.
You'll quickly learn to lower your expectations.
And of course our resident psychobabble feminist has to join in.
Yet another one line snipe at me.
Can't you manage to post anything on topic, just once to show you can do it?
I think it's a bit unfair to describe the Belford Bugle's cub reporter as thin skinned.
Apart from that you've nailed it.
And yet another joins the pile on.
Are you another one of those who is frightened to make a post on topic?
Much easier just to follow others and have a pop at me.
Come on, do something, take part, mount an argument.
Is it so hard?