There's Parklife, and then there's this, quite magnificent in its own way.
"He is right though- my local school are putting on a Christmas nativity but had to make it all woke about a poor Middle Eastern family travelling and looking for a room or somewhere to stay before the mum gave birth.
why can’t we just have an English Christmas? 😜"
Stealing that....
There's Parklife, and then there's this, quite magnificent in its own way.
Someone I know used to present similar progs on the beeb, around about the same time as Coast and the preceding archeology ones.That was the inspiration, I think.
Side note: in his 'Coast' days my wife had a bit of a thing for him, before he revealed himself to be a deplorable loony.
Someone I know used to present similar progs on the beeb, around about the same time as Coast and the preceding archeology ones.
The story goes that the prog makers didn't encourage Neil to cut his hair, or even tie it back.
The adjustments to his tresses, inevitably required in an outdoor setting, meant that Oliver had to at least occasionally break his demonic stare down the camera ...
I have given no thought to Neil Oliver's hair, any of the hair.
Ought I to?
Neil Oliver partner allways had the measure of him."Don't trust any middle age bloke with silky hair who wears little neck scarves" I'm waiting for the inevitable stand-off with armed police in a tent in the Highlands somewhere.