Which is weird, you know, because there are so few of them. Trans women are, what 0.3% of the population? But then, even though there are so few, they are incredibly powerful, holding positions of such influence that they can effectively control, you know...a government.
If they are 0.3% of the population, why are you wanting 50% of the population to give up their single sex spaces? Why aren't you suggesting that guys like yourself be more welcoming to your non conforming brethren in your spaces? Or campaigning for unisex third spaces? Why are you requiring that it's all women who have to make room for a tiny minority?
Which is weird, you know, because I never get to see the really powerful ones. Maybe there are some billionaire authors amongst them, or high court judges, or CEOs, or Generals. Because the only ones I ever see look like people with shattered lives only just about surviving, wondering what awaits them if they step out of the front door. But, you know, they must be powerful if they can control a government.
I could list you plenty of prominent transwomen who are highly influential. Martine Rothblatt, Rachel Levine, Anne Jakrajutatip, Jennifer Pritzker, Caitlin Jenner; plenty of successful transwomen authors too. They haven't lacked a platform in the last ten years or so.
I can't think of when any other group that constituted 0.3% of the population was allowed to override the rights of 50% of the population. So yeah, they seem to be pretty influential.
And yes, it would be off-putting if you were in hospital and all the nurses were trans women who work by day, and by night go to rape counselling groups to make real women feel uncomfortable. And in between this, of course, they've got a bit of perving to do in toilets. After all, they've got a reputation to keep up.
Very busy, these trans women.
The fact that you mock the need of women to be away from all men in order to heal from trauma just exposes what sort of person you are. You really don't give a toss about women. There are a myriad of services just for the transgender community, which all exclude non-trans people - quite rightly. But yet you would deny women their exclusive services and provision and the right to have that choice in law.
I was wondering how long it would be before you started equating women saying No to the Holocaust. You and India Willoughby on the same page there then.