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Legendary Member
Which shows he isn't inclined to speak about things beyond his expertise because he's an ethical man.

I didn't ask you for further evidence that you are an idiot.

Neither of those reports - they are not coroner reports, they are what they say they are ie Prevention of Future death reports from coroners - blame not getting drugs, let alone surgery, as the single cause of the person's suicide. Lack of mental health support being a contributing factor is not the same as 'suicide because they didn't get drugs/surgery' which is what has been repeatedly claimed.


Legendary Member
Neither of those reports - they are not coroner reports, they are what they say they are ie Prevention of Future death reports from coroners - blame not getting drugs, let alone surgery, as the single cause of the person's suicide. Lack of mental health support being a contributing factor is not the same as 'suicide because they didn't get drugs/surgery' which is what has been repeatedly claimed.

Rated desperate.
This is wrong. I do not push anywhere for a suicide narrative.
You've repeatedly blamed being on the GIDS waiting list for suicide, even when Louis Appleby's review said the numbers didn't show that and when he said continuing to do so promotes suicidal ideology.

On this occasion you have incorrectly said that James Bellringer is wrong.
I've shown you where his claim comes from and that it is incorrect. The data is too poor to make such claims. You continue to platform unevidenced claims because it suits you.

You have taken the suppressed version of data for trans youth, rather than the data for adult services that James Bellringer would have been referencing as his patient group.
Where is this data? Let's all have a look.
And don't tell me it's anecdotal and known only to James Bellringer and we have to take his word for it. We don't evaluate the efficacy of medical treatment on anecdotal evidence from one doctor. We'd still be doing lobotomies and giving people cold baths for hysteria if we did.

You push the narrative that trans people remain safe in this country. However ...

View attachment 6767

Where is this from? What do you think it shows exactly? You claim it's 'this country'.

N (ie number of people asked) = 596.
'Know someone who has been killed' = 15%.

15% of 596 = 89. So 89 people know a trans person who has been killed in the UK? In the UK there have been only 9 between 2008 and 2017, with one other since that I know of.

So 89 people, in a randomly chosen survey, must have known one of those 10 murdered people (seems unlikely) or your survey is from another country or not a very reliable survey, or both.

Trans people remain a safe demographic in the UK. We should be grateful for that.
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Legendary Member
And don't tell me it's anecdotal and known only to James Bellringer

fark me you are genuinely farking thick aren't you. For the last time, James Bellringer was not talking about the Tavistock centre as Appleby was talking about. He was talking about the cohort of people who are his patients.

You make every conversation so very farking tedious and manipulative. Bellringer didn't work at the Tavistock Centre. He has never operated on under 18s - he said as much in the clip. His numbers are entirely unrelated to Tavistock patients.

You try to explore some rabbit hole not being discussed, present unrelated data, and make accusations against absolute professionals working at the front line such as Bellringer, and post random shoot pulled out of your arse.

Then you say that reports written by coroners are not coroner's reports trying to creating a difference without distinction.

I posted a list including nine of these cases a while back including the two posted today by Bromptonaut. At the time you dismissed them as 'media reports' even though they were official reports written by coroners.
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Legendary Member
that I know of

If you are saying you don't know very much, then I agree.


Legendary Member

Oh well by extension to your argument, we must not examine this data because it might lead to other things.

We mustn't post suicide stats, but murder stats are fine. I see you.

And after saying that you don't accept media reports as evidence, you post a media report from 2018 concerning another rabbit hole to the discussion. The media report even ends with these words ...

All of this is a best guess, not a firm conclusion: we don’t yet have a robust estimate of the total trans population of the UK,

Since that media report in 2018 we have learnt that the census numbers are likely overstated since it is reckoned that many people answered the question without understanding the meaning.
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fark me you are genuinely farking thick aren't you. For the last time, James Bellringer was not talking about the Tavistock centre as Appleby was talking about. He was talking about the cohort of people who are his patients.

Where's the evidence? Anecdotal from the guy who makes £50k a week from surgeries?

You make every conversation so very farking tedious and manipulative. Bellringer didn't work at the Tavistock Centre. He has never operated on under 18s - he said as much in the clip. His numbers are entirely unrelated to Tavistock patients.
I haven't claimed he did. Why would he? They don't employ surgeons, only refer on. You've repeatedly claimed suicide rates for which there is no evidence - both at GIDS and by platforming Bellringer's unevidenced claim of 1 in 5.

I posted a list including nine of these cases a while back including the two posted today by Bromptonaut. At the time you dismissed them as 'media reports' even though they were official reports written by coroners.

You continually present material as being of more weight than it is. They were reports of inquests but you claim they are actual coroner reports. It is an important distinction because you make claims for their content which is simply not there, ie that not getting puberty blockers caused suicide.

This is not only incorrect, it's irresponsible.
Because it is.

Give us the link then so we can all have a look at the source data. Not just a screenshot. Sounds a bit unlikely that 89 people out of 596 actually know someone who was murdered, when there have only been 11 or so in the last 16 years. And don't be saying it means 'Heard about a trans person being murdered' because that's an entirely different thing.
Neither of those reports - they are not coroner reports, they are what they say they are ie Prevention of Future death reports from coroners - blame not getting drugs, let alone surgery, as the single cause of the person's suicide. Lack of mental health support being a contributing factor is not the same as 'suicide because they didn't get drugs/surgery' which is what has been repeatedly claimed.

That's beyond desperate.

If Coroners have concerns those reports, to which those to whom they are addressed have to respond, are the system by which they are raised.


Legendary Member
Where's the evidence? Anecdotal from the guy who makes £50k a week from surgeries?

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And worth every last penny in my opinion. Why the fascination with what he earns. I thought genitals were your obsession.

You think that being highly paid means he can't know what he's talking about?
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