Indeed, why should decent non-violent men have to read post after post of men being aggressive bullies. We all know that some are, but we also know that the vast majority are not.
Most violence against women is DV. Whether violence against men or women is committed by men or women, inside or outside of the home, it is not within the purview of the GRA or EqA, so what does it have to do with trans rights? Why does it have to be repeated on pretty much every thread?
Pretty much every thread..??
Show me where..
Apart from this thread, its mainly discussed on the threads about The Met, and the one particularly about VAWAG.
Where they are the thread topic, it's a problem in the world that requires solutions, it's NACA.
Rather than 'weary' of 'having to read about it' decent men are weary about the fact that it's still going on
And want to reduce its incidence, not shy away as if it's utterly intractable unsolvable problem.
Decent men know it's 'not all men' and know that no one thinks it is.
Decent men are not that fragile, nor that stupid ime.
What does male on female violence, it's reality, and the fear of it, have to do with the maintenance of safe spaces for women??
Safe spaces that are (in some instances) being threatened ?
Umm let me have a think about that one..
Why is only one side of the trans gender 'argument" being portrayed here?
Trans men have made their choice, so they shouldn't have any worries about where they are sent, and men should just be ready to accept them. We can't have any objections under the same laws that protects women in women only areas.
This applies to trans men who compete in any sport. They knew what to expect from the minute they decided to become a man, now live with it. No inclusion in the "third class" of sports person for them.
Why should there even be a "third class"?
We have female teachers, who in most cases can wander into boys changing areas, no questions asked as to why. It's just to be accepted, but why. Why is the "case" being made from one side only. Safe single sexed spaces at schools apply to one side only it would seem.
But at the same time the possibility that women in men's spaces might make some feel uncomfortable should surely give you some inkling as to why some women feel uncomfortable with men in theirs.
The argument isn't constant, it changes at the whim of one person. Never staying the same, if they're not able to state their case it gets changed.
You're totally free to expand the discussion that way, and have done so in the past ..
Aiui women only spaces are particularly protected in law because the reality is that women are at far greater risk from men, than vice versa.
That's pretty indisputable.
No reason why transmen couldn't be included in that 'third class' or 'open' sport category if one was created, and if they wished to be in it,
Who said they couldn't be included in the open class?
Not sure that is the case that women teachers can wander unquestioned etc etc, , but if it were, then a risk assessment based on prevalence of gendered abuse, would indicate why.
The final part sounds a bit like a thread on a discussion forum, with different posters chipping in with their differing pov. The conversation moves in different directions, although it could of course be argued here that it just goes round and round 🤔
Apols for duff spacing in your quoted passage, the snipping into segments wouldn't work in the end.