Just so you know - if you don't read her posts, you don't need to tell us all.
If you don't want to read them, that's fine. You don't need to share.
Or are you one of those people that feels the compulsion to send tweets to female comedians telling them that they aren't funny?
Oh but the world - including me does need to know apparently 🙄
Fwiw I generally return the favour , but I just couldn't resist pointing out the howling contradiction between someone's claimed highbrow debating skills, and their very basic insulting, and hypocrisy towards another poster, who is arguing in good faith, even if I / we dont agree with everything, on every point.
I guess one of my posts on another thread (The Met one, about 'wokeness') that was liked by MT was just a slip of the finger.
Or maybe it was read 'accidently' - we will probably never get to the bottom of that mystery..
Anyhoo up, the sun is out, the hedges will be freshly budding, and full of frantically tweeting birds, so I'm giving myself a half day off for a bike ride, before dinner in town this evening with 'thoroughly decent' #1son ..
We don't really do 'mothers' day but fancied a catch up anyway. 👍🏼💃🌈