Legendary Member
Unless it's encoded in the driver number my driving licence doesn't have sex or gender on it. It can be inferred from my title but that's it. Maybe it's on the DVLA database but it's not on the card itself.
Your suspicion is right, it is encoded. There are youtube clips I've seen of stoppage, you can see the officer moving their thumb across the driver number on the licence to count to the relevant digit.
Wait a minute, does gender even appear on the driving licence?
At first glance, no, but if you dig a little deeper, yes! Now, if you're a bloke, you may not have noticed this before. That's because, for some reason, only driving licences belonging to females include indications of gender.For starters, a title field is automatically included on the driving licences of women. In other words, the name is always preceded by 'Miss', 'Mrs', 'Ms', 'Dr'...etc. Driving licences for men, on the other hand, simply state the name without a title.
This has understandably caused some controversy (this is the 21st century, right?), as it seems strange that a woman's marital status needs to be included at all.
The second place gender is revealed on a driving licence is within the driving licence number itself. The 7th and 8th character represent a person's birth month. However, on a woman's driving licence, the 7th character is replaced with '5'. So, if she was born in September, the 7th and 8th characters would read '59', whereas on a man's driving licence it would say '09'.
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