I recused myself from the discussion on sport. I know very little about sport in itself, but a little more about the effects of sex hormones on bodies. Note no claim to expertise on either. Having seen the arguments put forward on both sides being 'discussed', I have my own thoughts about how the rules could potentially be applied more fairly.
Certain sports already have sorting mechanisms for making sport fairer, there are categories according to weight, handicaps according to previous form, the standardised times for veteran time trialists etc.
Then there are the doping regulations with the requirement for frequent testing.
I do see that elite level sport does need protection, but when I see my local cycling club required testosterone monitoring for trans women for club level racing, I just think this is all going too far. If I ride at club level and someone beats me, do I actually care? For myself, the answer is certainly not, I'll not worry.
So here's the suggestion, and I'm not claiming originality of thought, it might have been said by some person before. Here it is - introduce the testosterone monitoring at the same point in sport as the requirement for anti-doping testing, and just make testosterone measurement sit alongside the standard battery of anti-doping tests for all competitors.