The photos are of transactivists in the UK. Dressed in black, aggressively intimidating women. They represent your views more than Australian Nazis represent mine.
The photos are of transactivists in the UK. Dressed in black, aggressively intimidating women. They represent your views more than Australian Nazis represent mine.
And no, I won't condemn people turning up to drown out Nazis and hate-incitement from KJK. It is their right to speak.
Lol. Just theirs apparently. Have you found any footage of women turning up at a trans event to disrupt and intimidate yet? No, because most gender critical women believe in the right of everyone to meet and speak on issues.
Even at their own rallies transactivists show us all what they think of women. No KJK or Nazis to be seen at the trans rally in Edinburgh but out came the Decapitate Terfs sign.
Do you know the difference between UK and NZ? No? Well the difference is that NZ does have Rupert Murdoch controlled media to help bigots spread their hatred. The reason that trans hate has increased in the UK is that fact, and this is because he is doing the work of a government hoping to win successive elections by invoking and promoting a culture war that they claim to be trying to shut down.
There's nothing progressive about trying to remove women's rights. Oppression on the basis of sex is a foundation of Marxism though the left wing misogynists are happily forgetting that.As a feminist I'd expect you to come from the socially liberal left, but so many of you have been captured by the ultra right who are promoting your views. You've been suckered.
Lol. Neither do you. It's a group for lesbian women. Seems fair enough. The lesbians who want to include transwomen in their groups already have Stonewall, but they can start a trans lesbian group if they like too I suppose. Groups are allowed to have stuff of their own. Trans people can and do have groups and services that exclude non trans people. Start your own group if you like; let other people have theirs.You do not speak for all women, not for all feminists, not for all lesbians. Kathleen Stock has a new pet hate project - to divide opinion between lesbians. As a known and out lesbian I've signed the campaign against her endeavour.
It hasn't been enough to divide women, divide feminists, divide her colleagues in academic philosophy, she now thinks it necessary to divide lesbians too. She is no friend to womanhood. It's an ideology based on a twisted sense of purity, just like Nazism.
I think transactivists are doing a pretty good job of turning public opinion against trans activism themselves. The sports and prisons issues alone must have done that. And then when they see transactivists at work, well unsurprisingly it doesn't endear the public to the cause.
There's nothing progressive about trying to remove women's rights. Oppression on the basis of sex is a foundation of Marxism though the left wing misogynists are happily forgetting that.
Lol. Neither do you. It's a group for lesbian women. Seems fair enough. The lesbians who want to include transwomen in their groups already have Stonewall, but they can start a trans lesbian group if they like too I suppose. Groups are allowed to have stuff of their own. Trans people can and do have groups and services that exclude non trans people. Start your own group if you like; let other people have theirs.
Not being allowed to join every group going isn't a twisted sense of purity. I don't expect to be allowed in a group for gay men or a service for trans people. How is she dividing lesbians? The ones who want to include transwomen in their groups can. The ones who don't want to will look elsewhere, maybe to her group or another one.
Feminists have never been united on transgender issues as far as I can see. Not sure that lesbians have been either. I'm sure Kathleen Stock would be bemused at the immense power you imagine she wields though.
It's not hateful for lesbians to exclude whoever they like from their group. They are self-selecting to do so, they aren't being corralled into it, by Kathleen Stock or anybody else lol.
The principle is: not everybody has to be in everything. Groups are allowed their own stuff and it's not hateful to organise around your own specific needs and interests. If people feel groups like Stonewall no longer meet their needs they are quite right to put their money and energies into groups that do.
'A lesbian group', a new group for lesbians that excludes ... wait for it ... drumroll ... lesbians.
It excludes people born male who are attracted to women. They are only lesbians if you are redefining 'lesbian' to mean gender attracted not sex attracted. Regardless, they are entitled to start a group for lesbians only just like anyone could start a group to advocate only for transgender people. In fact, they have and nobody bats an eyelid.
I'm not sure that is entirely true. For example, if you murder someone your human right to liberty may be taken away.All of them human beings with human rights. All of us human beings with no right to deny human rights of others.
hoping for the sight of a 'penis'.
You seem to have an issue with reading sometimes. @AuroraSaab has already told you that KJK is not her hero. Why continue with such obvious snide invective when you have been informed otherwise unless you wish to silence women. Are you the male chauvinist pig that comes across in this thread? On other topics you seem to be able to debate with thought and intelligence.You just totally devalued and discounted the women at your hero's rally who were there to protest her incitement to hatred with this:
That isn't what @AuroraSaab stated. What she stated was that there seemed to be a lot of men trying to silence women. As usual.Women don't count unless they are saying what you want them to say, do they. They are invisible to you. Then you contradicted yourself. Feminist my arse.
Just because you disagree with something, it doesn't make it a lie. Again you try to patronise and silence people. There is a word for that,.Oh...and there was your little tell, "seems"; always prefaces a lie.