I think most women want to retain single sex spaces and the option of single sex services.
'Most' is a word that you over use. You have no idea of the numbers, so you resort to a claim that it gives the impression of a big number if not a majority.
'Most' has no validity in any analysis without actual data. You only 'think' that it is 'most' because this the narrative you've manufactured in order to justify a prejudice. You are admitting to an 'ideology' in this statement. You claim to have no gender identity, no ideology, and tell the forum that you are truthful.
This argument fails on every level. That you try to use unsound dishonest arguments in intelligent company, it's a bit of an insult to them.
'I think' indicates it comes from a belief system, opposing the lived experiences of other people is an 'ideology', and woman is the gender identity that you say you don't have, while simultaneously arguing for 'women's hard won rights' - rights that you can't quote from the law.
In comparison, I have a belief system, I have an ideology, I have a gender identity. My belief systems are humanism, truth, democracy, and law; my ideology is equal rights without exception; my gender identity is woman. I try to ensure that everything I say or write is factual. Occasionally I can get things wrong. When this happens and it's brought to my attention, I admit the error, apologise, learn, and move on.
We don't share these traits. That is why we are so different. It is why I will never surrender my principles to your 'teaching'.