Gender again. Sorry!

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There is no pro-trans cult.
I'll beg to disagree. They are the ones dressing in women's clothes (usually to look like a porn star), trying to access women's spaces whilst threatening to kill, rape and maim women and lesbians who want nothing to do with them.


I'll beg to disagree. They are the ones dressing in women's clothes (usually to look like a porn star), trying to access women's spaces whilst threatening to kill, rape and maim women and lesbians who want nothing to do with them.

Yeah, can't move for them these days.
Streets are full of them.


Elder Goth
I'll beg to disagree. They are the ones dressing in women's clothes (usually to look like a porn star), trying to access women's spaces whilst threatening to kill, rape and maim women and lesbians who want nothing to do with them.

You have to be kidding with this?

As a member of numerous trans positive communities, I have never, ever witnessed anything like what you've made up here. Sure, there are some dickheads, but literally nothing like what you've described.


I'll beg to disagree. They are the ones dressing in women's clothes (usually to look like a porn star), trying to access women's spaces whilst threatening to kill, rape and maim women and lesbians who want nothing to do with them.

Blatant transphobic trope. Helpful hint, I'm a lesbian woman who has no fear of trans women. I've been threatened by cis men and cis women, but never a trans woman.


For "made" see "produced". In one sense a finite number of eggs are already there in the ovaries, in another sense, a woman's body brings those eggs to maturity so that they can be fertilised.

Thank you Robert Winston ...

... Siri ... show me the stupidist example of mainsplaining ever.


This is nonsense. We all know there's only 2 body types; one makes eggs, one makes sperm. 99.8% of every human ever born has been one or the other. No reputable biologist has ever said or proved otherwise. Pretending noone knows what we mean by 'sex' is just an attempt to overule material reality with the utterly nebulous and undefined idea of gender identity.
Lord Ormrod in the case of Corbett v Corbett was asked to interpret the law in terms of marriage. Some have argued that Ormrod was negligent in overlooking Sir Ewan Forbes 1968.

The ruling became less irrelevant since the introduction of the Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999, and completely irrelevant in law since the Same Sex Marriage, even less relevant after the Goodwin Case at the ECtHR, even less relevant after the Gender Recognition Act, less relevant still after the EqA 2010.

Yet here you are trying to maintain that this is the definition that counts. In law, it isn't.

BTW ... no one is two words, just like trans woman.
He's probably had a private viewing of Aurora's hard drive.

Not on my hard drive but widely available though. Google 'sissy porn' and get back to me about 'people are who they say they are'.

Edit: I'd forgotten you're the one with the penchant for the work of a paedo adjacent nappy fetishist cartoonist.
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As a member of numerous trans positive communities, I have never, ever witnessed anything like what you've made up here. Sure, there are some dickheads, but literally nothing like what you've described.
So you haven't seen any of the protestors who made the news with placards threatening to kill women? You have missed all of the vitriol espoused to women who dare to have an opinion about their own gender? You missed the transwoman who punched a woman in her 60s?

All of this has passed you by?
Good grief ... you think googling porn gives an insight into real life?

You keep telling us gender identity is innate. You keep telling us that people know who they are and we should believe them. By this logic, who are you to say that those who are part of the sissy porn community aren't transgender?

I have no problem whatsoever in recognising that there are people who have genuine body dysphoria and others who have a fetish for dressing as a stereotypical woman.

It's your unwillingness to acknowledge that there are bad faith actors who will claim to be transgender that is causing the problem.



An ironic post for someone who is pedantic over my spelling and grammar.

The irony in that post was not aimed at you. I'm aware of the correct form.

However you always type 'noone' and 'transwoman'; leading to my belief that these are not typographical errors. In this case there was intended irony directed towards you.
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