Are you saying that not everybody who says they are transgender has body dysphoria?
I am saying that it is patently obvious that there are men for whom dressing in stereotypical female attire and being in women's spaces is a sexual fetish. And that there is a distinction between these people and those for whom crushing body dysphoria is a real and serious mental health issue.
You have told us to believe people when they tell us who they are. Who are you to say that such people, whether porn stars or porn fans, aren't trans? You want self-ID. This is self-ID.
No I'm not speaking for everyone, but if you think that a person who has large breast implants and face feminisation in order to work a specialist role in the porn industry for good money is a 'typical transsexual' then you are so very wide of the mark.
Dysphoria is experienced in the mind not the body.
There was a time when some trans people thought it was helpful to express how they felt by saying such things as 'born in the wrong body. These days you don't tend to hear that from trans people, but from people who don't experience it themselves but are familiar with the term and have absorbed it, even those who are trans supportive can still be heard saying this.
Quite clearly nobody is 'born in the wrong body'. There is no allocation system that is mismatching human brains with human bodies. I'm sure that over time there will be other paradigms, but at least for now most trans people seem content with the 'incongruence' paradigm.
The nature versus nurture debate is not helpful either. It really doesn't matter how a person becomes who they happen to be. That debate only has relevance to those with such ignorance as to believe that trans people are all 'broken' as Ormrod did. It makes the assumption that is necessary to know in order to 'fix them' with such tortures as electro-shock therapy. Ormrod believed that April Ashley was mentally ill. The WHO in the light of more modern medicine declared that trans people do not have a mental illness, and that therefore there can not be any means of diagnosis. All previous means of diagnosis were nothing more than recording the fact that trans people were repeatedly saying 'I'm trans'. There has never been value in this.
The mental health issues and anxieties currently experienced and expressed by trans people are that the current waves of hatred directed at them is causing them much distress.
There are cis men and cis women with kinks, some sexual fetishes and some not - I'm relying what others have told me as I'm somebody who just doesn't get BDSM - but my philosophy is live and let live. Likewise there are trans people with kinks. Why would we expect something different? Some trans people like kink, some don't.
There's something that I could have mentioned in this thread earlier, but in truth I didn't think to post it. Of the trans women transitioners that I do know and have known, I'd say that I've heard a majority say that they can't bear to have sexual contact involving their penis. They tend to shudder at the thought. This really is counter to any belief that these are people with kinks and fetishes, let alone potential rapists.