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qigong chimp

Settler of gobby hash.
Tool's asleep at his post.
Whether evil feminism can dissuade impressionable girls from swallowing the Freudian orthodoxy is the concern.
Is that an egg bobbing in your rear basket?


Tool's asleep at his post.
Whether evil feminism can dissuade impressionable girls from swallowing the Freudian orthodoxy is the concern.
Is that an egg bobbing in your rear basket?

Yes, I teleported mine into a basket with a pedal powered tosser so that I can flaunt my biological sex as I ride. I don't worry if I break some since as a woman I can just make some more. :laugh:

Rusty Nails

Country Member
Yes but all women have penis envy don't they? Ah, the grass is always greener on the other side.

Does that mean the 100% of women who don't have penises according to Sunak or the 99.9% who don't according to Starmer.

Can men have penis envy? Asking for a friend.


Does that mean the 100% of women who don't have penises according to Sunak or the 99.9% who don't according to Starmer.

Can men have penis envy? Asking for a friend.
hahahah ... you're asking a gay woman about penis envy. :laugh: I understand that most women may prefer the organically grown kind, and that Freud somehow imagined that young women were somehow envious simply by dint of not having one.

Can men have penis envy? Absolutely not. Despite all the marketing for penis developers - yes they send those adverts to me too - not one was ever sold. Well at least no one admits to having bought one.

Sunak and Starmer? Who knows what either of the lying bastards actually does think? They are both courting the votes of the ignorant.


Reading around the chip
I envy women being pre-endowed with a clutch of eggs from the off, needing only to unwrap one from time to time, while men - the true creatives in the reproductive endeavour - must toil and strain to manufacture from scratch, ex nihilo, gazillions of energetic, fleet-footed, keen sperms.
No wonder men die younger.

This is the only content I'm here for at this stage of the thread.


I envy women being pre-endowed with a clutch of eggs from the off, needing only to unwrap one from time to time, while men - the true creatives in the reproductive endeavour - must toil and strain to manufacture from scratch, ex nihilo, gazillions of energetic, fleet-footed, keen sperms.
No wonder men die younger.

It's why it's a really bad idea for us to do sportsing. Imagine having to carry around all those eggs for a lifetime being careful not to break any.


Epic Member
Yeah. You blue pill mincing fannies, you stick with this:


Real men, like Shep and me, we swallow the red pills by the bag full and confront reality head on

Lycosid with babies.jpg

fozy tornip

At the controls of my private jet.
I don't get this, but credit to you for finding a photo of a spider actually munching a red pill!
And is that girl's nose running or does she just have a glossy philtrum?


Epic Member
I don't get this

A little Maxtrix-inspired sci-fi skit on alternative reality with misogynistic notion of women as arachnoid egg-laden monsters, and me aligning myself with shep's toxic masculinity pretending that only he and I have the courage to face the horror of reality whilst the rest take comfort in illusions of beauty.

Hadn't noticed the red thing. Not a pill, but a venomous fang which only adds to the terror. I'd rather you hadn't pointed it out. Mind you, three pints and I still would, I reckon.
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It's why it's a really bad idea for us to do sportsing. Imagine having to carry around all those eggs for a lifetime being careful not to break any.

This is why the post child baring middle ages are so great for wimmin .

We can crash about, jump up and down, and make all sorts of lairy trouble.

With nary a care for the massive omelette were making of our insides ...

Tool's asleep at his post.
Whether evil feminism can dissuade impressionable girls from swallowing the Freudian orthodoxy is the concern.
Is that an egg bobbing in your rear basket?

Hi Chimpers .

So you're also a fan of those crustacean woody matter recyclers.?
That's nice 👍🏼

Turns out we're everywhere, once you start to look 🦡


Yes but all women have penis envy don't they? Ah, the grass is always greener on the other side.

The only time I have penis envy is when camping .
Having to get up out of your sleeping bag for a wee in the middle of the night is rubbish.

Whilst others can just roll over and point Peter into the porch.. 😐

I don't get this, but credit to you for finding a photo of a spider actually munching a red pill!
And is that girl's nose running or does she just have a glossy philtrum?

The mind boggles re the impetus for this inquiry..

No no - please don't explain.
I feel a short story coming on..



Remind me never to buy a used tent off you...or sleeping bag. :rolleyes:
S'okay, it's unlikely to be offered.
Not here at least.

Anyway, the whole point is that one doesn't besmirch any precious items.. 🙄

And the next day is pretty much always packing up, and moving on..
Exhaustively so 🙄
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