The point is are they safer on their own in the Gents or the Ladies, not whether they are safe when a parent is around, because obviously they are.
The point is are they safer on their own in the Gents or the Ladies, not whether they are safe when a parent is around, because obviously they are.
TBH I expect the perverts are more likely to be hiding in the ladies than going for a wee in the gents.
And as we can't tell the good guys from the bad guys we exclude them all.
The vast majority of men who identify as women do not have reassignment surgery. There's no evidence that men who identify as women have a reduced rate of offending, whether they have had surgery or not. That's why we exclude all men, including the ones who say they aren't.
It's not just about safety though, it's about privacy and dignity too. There's no special class of men that get a free pass just because they want to be included, however sincere they are.
Would that be transmen, Winjim? Who are, and will always remain, female.
Why are most women accepting of transmen in female single sex spaces? Answer: Because they are women.
Perhaps you could spend your time trying to persuade your fellow men that their non conforming brethren should similarily be fully welcome in male spaces and sports, however they identify, rather than expecting women to accommodate them.
Apart from the fairly rare times a dad might take their daughter into the Ladies loos, I am still none the wiser who you mean. And a dad, who probably feels uncomfortable being there, using the facilities with his daughter as a one off, is very different from a man on his own who demands access all the time. Surely you can see the difference.