Well yes, it's the wrong type of gamete, no wonder it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Imagine the discomfort of the rabbit laying the egg

Well yes, it's the wrong type of gamete, no wonder it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Currently they should legally use the Men's. Some will use the Ladies. You don't need to check their genitals. The exclusion is of men, not trans people, by the way.
I could give you a list of news stories of men's behaviour in women's facilities, assaults, filming women etc. and some of those men will claim to be trans. The point is we exclude them all, for good reason, because they are men. We don't give any man a free pass based on how he feels.
Do you honestly imagine there aren't men who will claim a trans identity in order to be in women's spaces, like softer prisons? Half the Scottish prisoners who claimed they were transwomen after conviction reverted to identifying as men on release.
Police forces are still mostly recording crimes by the offenders chosen gender not their biological sex, skewing the statistics.
And news outlets are recording their crimes as being done by women.
It will become more of an issue if self ID becomes law because currently any man in a women's single sex space can be challenged. If self ID is legal, he could not be.
Unisex spaces are bad for women, and allowing any men into them on demand makes them unisex.
Court case last week of a man assaulting a woman in unisex toilets.
It really is some magical thinking if you believe men won't use abuse self ID to enter women's spaces, whether it's changing rooms or prisons. We can't tell which man has had crushing body dysphoria from a young age and which one simply has a fetish for wearing women's clothes and being in their spaces. So we exclude them all.
So, huge discussion about women's rights and your main point is 'What about the dads though?'
Where do the men go when diagnosed with a "woman's problem"?1. So where do trans women go to the toilet now?
Some in the Men's, some in the Ladies. Legally they can be excluded from women's single sex spaces and services, same as other men are. The fact that some men choose to ignore this and cross women's boundaries doesn't mean these spaces and services aren't necessary.
2. Do they use the ladies, and if they do, is there anyone checking their genitals on the way in?
No. You don't need to. Most women would be scared of challenging a male in a women's changing room or toilet if they were on their own anyway. Why should they have to?
2. Why isn't the media full of stories about trans women sexually assaulting people in the toilets?
Does only sexual assault count? What about privacy and dignity? You are setting bar pretty high for what women and girls should have to tolerate before it becomes a problem for you.
Plenty of evidence of men abusing unisex facilities eg Primark unisex changing rooms. How many do you think we should allow? Do you have a figure in mind for the number of acceptable incidents? Transwomen have the same offending rates as other men. Saying the magic words 'I feel like a woman' shouldn't give anyone a free pass. If you open up women's single sex spaces to transwomen you are opening them to all men.
3. And if they are self-IDing now and have been for years and it hasn't been an issue then why will it suddenly become one if the only change is legal recognition?
There have been issues. Men's crime recorded as women's crimes, males in female prisons, women's services open to men, women having to share hospital wards with men. The fact that you personally aren't aware of any problems so therefore it doesn't matter speaks volumes really.
At the moment any man in a women's single sex space can be challenged. It will become more of an issue because it won't be possible to challenge any male, genuinely trans or any other bloke, if you can self ID at will.
OK, now do something other than toilets. Explain to me why a woman who has been raped shouldn't be able to insist on a group therapy course that consists of only women and girls as participants and counsellors, and which excludes men, including men who claim to be transwomen. Because if self-ID is law, she won't be able to. And it will never make the news because she will simply self-exclude.
And news outlets are recording their crimes as being done by women.
That male sex offender is currently in a women's prison by the way.
Do you think Sally Anne Dixon is genuinely trans and should have access to women's spaces?
1. So where do trans women go to the toilet now?
Some in the Men's, some in the Ladies. Legally they can be excluded from women's single sex spaces and services, same as other men are. .
2. Do they use the ladies, and if they do, is there anyone checking their genitals on the way in?
No. You don't need to. Most women would be scared of challenging a male in a women's changing room or toilet if they were on their own anyway. Why should they have to?
2. Why isn't the media full of stories about trans women sexually assaulting people in the toilets?
Does only sexual assault count? What about privacy and dignity? You are setting bar pretty high for what women and girls should have to tolerate before it becomes a problem for you.
Plenty of evidence of men abusing unisex facilities eg Primark unisex changing rooms. How many do you think we should allow? Do you have a figure in mind for the number of acceptable incidents? Transwomen have the same offending rates as other men. Saying the magic words 'I feel like a woman' shouldn't give anyone a free pass. If you open up women's single sex spaces to transwomen you are opening them to all men.
3. And if they are self-IDing now and have been for years and it hasn't been an issue then why will it suddenly become one if the only change is legal recognition?
There have been issues. Men's crime recorded as women's crimes, males in female prisons, women's services open to men, women having to share hospital wards with men. The fact that you personally aren't aware of any problems so therefore it doesn't matter speaks volumes really.
At the moment any man in a women's single sex space can be challenged. It will become more of an issue because it won't be possible to challenge any male, genuinely trans or any other bloke, if you can self ID at will.
OK, now do something other than toilets. Explain to me why a woman who has been raped shouldn't be able to insist on a group therapy course that consists of only women and girls as participants and counsellors, and which excludes men, including men who claim to be transwomen. Because if self-ID is law, she won't be able to. And it will never make the news because she will simply self-exclude.
The current situation is de facto self ID.On your terms, yes, because you view TW as men. In what way are they not open to all men now? Nobody polices them, and all it would take is a shave, a wig, a dress and some lippy. If men can do this now, why aren't they? And how would Self-ID in law change this?
I've nothing against how I was treated by the medical staff. Either in General Outpatients, or whilst in the hospital. It was the attitudes of some of the others there, for the same reasons as myself that stand out. Openly hostile towards staff because I was there as a patient. I could just have been waiting for someone being seen, up to the point of my name being called.I am sorry that you didn't receive the standard of care and treatment you deserve. It should be possible to compassionately accommodate men with a rare, usually only female, condition like male breast cancer (only 400 cases a year in the UK) within the system. I hope you also might understand why women who might have had a breast removed, or have a catheter, only feel comfortable in an area where they can be with other women. They might not feel able to talk freely about private matters with a male patient around. Same applies to having a female nurse if it's a male doctor. It might all feel like a personal slight but it honestly isn't.
The current situation is de facto self ID.
Most trans people, in whichever direction their journey, don't go through the palaver of obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate. If they do then the legislation requires that the applicant to show he/she has lived in the acquired gender throughout the period of two years ending with the date on which the application is made. So in effect, and I saw a colleague do this, somebody going male>female will go through steps to feminise their appearance (hormones, electrolysis, maybe learning mannerisms etc etc) and then dress, live and behave, including name and pronouns, in their acquired gender. They'd use the female toilets in exactly the same way as any other female; enter cubicle, sort out clothing, do business and reverse dressing process before emerging to wash their hands.
Before the Gender Recognition Act (something the UK had to enact following adverse findings in Strasbourg) people would, presumably, simply adopt their new gender in the same way. Those not wanting/needing a GRC follow the same route to this day. Unless there's a gatekeeper to have a look/see they use female facilities for the most part undetected.
With self-ID there would be none of this though. Men who are not genuinely trans would be able to say they are and access any women's single sex spaces and services. Any of them.
They can do it now. Nothing stopping them (toilets & changing rooms). Refuges are a different matter, it's not an open door anyway. Plenty of people are turned away, usually because of substance abuse.
How do you know this? Do you have data?
Well, unless you can provide some sort of cogent data that toilets are a scenario for sex offences by trans women, then I'm confused as to why it would be necessary anyway. Do you have data? Actual data, rather than links to tabloid hatesites that cite the same handful of examples
They are men. They are no less men than any other men on the planetOn your terms, yes, because you view TW as men. In what way are they not open to all men now? Nobody polices them, and all it would take is a shave, a wig, a dress and some lippy. If men can do this now, why aren't they? And how would Self-ID in law change this?
So make me aware then. Data please.
Sure, but you are predicting that this will cause problems for women. Its a hypothetical.
So what is the evidence that your fears have come to fruition in Iceland, Portugal, Malta, Norway, Denmark or Belgium or indeed the Republic of Ireland, where a Gender Recognition Act allowing self-declaration was passed five years ago. Data please.
One thing at a time. I don't feel that you have addressed my questions in an evidenced or expansive way.
As an aside, I would encourage you to read about women's refuges, and what they say about checking gender or sex as a condition of entry (TLCBA: many/most don't, because there are other more pressing factors)